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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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1501 - 1510 of 2177 Replies | Last Page

Yay whoop whoop whoop, well done shanta, so pleased for you thats fantastic news yes your in so to speak and more opportunities will naturally open up for you now once they get to know how wonderful you are, that news has made my weekend, thank you
baby-wow that is most def a sign, children still have that unaware innocent ability to sense things before us quite excited for you tom, feel something in my water lol, keep us updated, temps still look brill
39/baby-yes I was very norty, I thought I had locked the garage door and was quite horrified afterwards when I realised we hadn't and my daughters uniform was in the dryer next to us going round and round as she had put it in earlier before she went off to work, phew close call but too close
kerzie/39/shanta with your 2ww
I have a confession to make, I have been a very very stupid norty girl(again), Im only 9DPO and did a test this morn,
I cant believe I gave in sooo early, Im gonna wait now til 12 DPO (Mon) she says, cos there was a shadow and Im sick of seeing em, think its a which it would be at 9DPO but dont feel preggers this cycle anyway, doh wot am I like, maybe dh needs to spank me next ov session
& to all, have a fab weekend lovely ladies
oh wots happenin to this site recently, was tough getting on, was always crashed when I tried to check in grrr

8 years ago

Cd 10/11 Opk not dark enough yet but getting there. Lots of watery ewcm and ovary pains. Temp 97.03

8 years ago

Congrats Shanta on new job.
I got my flow 2 days ago. Im more at peace now. Hope everyone will have a great weekend.

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

Thanks yall im so excited!!

User image

8 years ago

Congrats shanta! Teachers do not get paid what your worth so thank you for your hard work. I'm a nurse, we to are neglected. Take crap from patient, family and doctors, lol I love the elderly and prefer to work with that age group. I've been a stay at home mom since DD came along.

I posted my Opk today. It's not positive yet but getting close. Since it's my first time to use them I'm not exactly sure what to look for. Positive line to be darker than control. The second test I did today is close. I'm scared I'm going to miss it.

8 years ago

Thats looks mega close chicks so get a bd sesh in tonight just in case you ov during night fx -x-

8 years ago

Ok I'm obsessed. Another Opk posted. It's so close Dh decided it was close enough for him. Woo hoo!!

8 years ago

Huge Congrats Shanta! I knew you would get this job. God has a plan!

About to look at norty girl Pink's test. Pink you crack me up.

8 years ago

Pink I can't find your test image, nothing comes up with the link and it's not in your profile.

8 years ago

Pink. The garage, you go girl. Would have been even funnier if you had forgot to close the garage door, how the neighbours would talk Getting horny, feeling sick, headaches, sounds like a check list for pregnancy. Couldn't access your test photo, good luck

Shanta. Congrats Hon, I'm glad that stress is lifted for you. Now you can concentrate on the fun stuff, next up a

Chicks. It looks good to me, as long as it matches the control line it's a positive. Hope you have been busy bd'ing the last few days, remember to keep it up for the next few days or until your temp rises if you take your bbt. Good luck and heaps of baby dust

Miracle. Glad af was wanted for once and came. Now you can concentrate on getting strong again xx

Baby. Hope you enjoy your trip, it was this weekend? Have a fabby time and hope you come home and get the best present ever

39. So good to have you back, missed you. I know it wasn't long but I've got used to talking daily.

8 years ago • Post starter

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