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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Holly--no worries. :)

Smh--can't you just take her to places nearby so that you're not gone more than 2 hours? What's your feeding/pumping schedule going to look like?

10 years ago

@law: All together her eating and my pumping takes about an hour and a half. So that leaves an hour and a half til the next feeding. And that's if she goes three hours. Usually when I go somewhere I time it so I nurse her in the parking lot of where ever I'm at so I have an hour and a half to get home. I like to get home a half hour early incase she wants to nurse early. Right now I'll pump after the middle of the night feeding which is usually around 3am... I fell back asleep after shutting of my alarm today.. Oops! I'll then pump after the 7am, 10am, and 1pm feedings unless I have to be somewhere. Then I'll have to pump after the later feedings. I don't think I can pump more than 4 times... Sorry if this makes no sense. I'm exhausted.

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10 years ago

Smh--that sounds insane, I'm sorry toots. Im sure you'll get it figured out.

10 years ago

JLH how is your new diet going?? I am excited to see some progress at your next doc appt :)

afmedic hope your long days of standing at work are going okay. DH is feeling better thanks!

bluerose glad it's warmed up near you! God, this winter was brutal. Have you started OPKs yet?

Holly yay for easter IUI! FX for you big time this month. Yes you should definitely do Fever BD, LOL!

lawbride wassup?? Only a few more weeks of school, huzzah!

SMH girrrrl that sounds like a LOT of work just to get some milk out! I know a lot of women want to avoid it but is supplemental formula an option? It just sounds like such a nightmare just to be able to BF. I admire you for trying so hard because there is just no way in hecky-hoo-ha I would be able to do all that ;)

AFM CD 19 and 1 DPO! At least, I'm pretty sure. Temps are up a bit and CM has dried up. Signed up for a double race in Madison over memorial day weekend. 10K on Saturday night, then a half marathon Sunday morning. I figure I gotta get back to what makes me happy and accomplished. Hopefully I'll be pregnant by then but if not at least I'll have something I can do for me.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

Yesterday was a bit busy and this morning my dh left for FL...

How are you all?? Hope all is well.

Luv, I have definitely made some changes and there are still "bad" habits lingering, but I too am hopeful that the changes I am making will help! Look at you in the TWW! Hope it passes quickly and ends with a BFP :)

Law, how are you? I know you mention your days being boring, but not for too much longer ;) I am going to probably do four accupunture treatments prior to my next appointment, going back this Saturday.

SMH, I pray that the plan works for you and Rella!!

Holly, you are sooooo sweet! Thanks for that :) I am just really trying to make sure my body is as good to go as it can be...time will tell! I am praying that the IUI was successful!!!!

Blue, hey there how are you? How was your bday??!! I know I know I am late, but hoping you had a wonderful day in spite of having to work!

AFMed, thank you for the prayers! Depending on when I actually O (I am thinking CD18, but did have some spotting and stringy looking cm the past 4-5 you think that could be my body gearing to O?) but we did get in some bd'g yesterday...and if it sticks around for the up to 5 days we may be covered CD14-18 and he will be back Sunday which is who knows? Praying your week goes well especially with the workload you have!

AFM, I am ok. As mentioned my hubby left early this morning and will be gone until Sunday. I hate it, but I will keep myself busy. Not sure if I mentioned this, but his concern is not only us getting pregnant, but my health and body being able to make it to term. So I am still doing all I can to prep for a healthy pregnancy and baby. I am crazy busy with the house, even took off of work yesterday to dedicate time to it. Leaving early today to chose the grout/mortar for the brick, as they will start bricking on Friday!! So much to do...just ready to move in and soak in my new tub!!! LOL.

10 years ago

luv--I'm done with classes on Friday. So really, only 3 more days..then finals which I'm not really concerned about. Memorial day is right around the corner--you're brave for signing up for a half! I hope you're pregnant by then!

Jada--Once my days are no longer boring they'll be stressful instead--bar exam prep is no joke. ugh. I'm not looking forward to that but then again no one does so I'm not alone in dreading it. all of the house stuff sounds so exciting! How does your current state impact you ability to carry to term if/when you become pregnant?

10 years ago

Morning ladies! Hope everyone has a Great day!

10 years ago

@lawbride88- Thanks! You too!

@JLHart22- My bday was pretty good. The shift went well. And I was up at what would be my "4 am" for Easter supper haha. Hopefully time passes quickly for you and it doesn't feel like a long wait until Sunday.

@luvtowalkfast- I took one OPK (negative). I haven't bought any in awhile. Yes, this winter was horrible so many days of -50!I think the double race is a great idea!

@So_much_hope- Goodness that sounds like so much work. Sorry things are easier for you. What about a wrap so you can nurse her on the move if you wanted to do something while she was feeding (if that is something you'd be interested in)? I was too scared to try something like that with my son and was basically couch bond for 6 months (which messed with my ppd so much!).

CD 16, I should possibly ovulate today. The man has some sort of virus right now. Horrible timing. So hopefully he's feeling better by the time I get home at 7:30 pm.

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10 years ago

good morning my beautiful friends/sisters. my two lab classes are finished so i only have my two lecture classes to focus on. with the help of God and studying i received a 92 on my micro lab final practical and a 80 on the final written for the same class, my final grade is a B for micro lab. ill find out monday my final grade for a&p 2 lab. i have finally realized that i am ntnp. the most high amazing God knows when the time is right for me in this journey and im starting to believe that right now may not be the best time. if God's willing i will be entering into the rn program in august which will be 16 months. if my bean decides to stick during that time i will just go with the flow. my oldest daughter will be 13 in july and i will be 34 in august. only time will tell whats to be.
luv i love your outlook go for it.
blue catch that egg
jada fx
to all my belly divas im virtually rubbing yall bellies lol!
ok back to my studies i have a test on monday on male and female reproductive system and human development.....very interesting.
smooches robin ill check back monday! cd 6 btw

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10 years ago

Morning ladies,

Another busy day for me...but at least it makes the time pass faster no?

Blue, hope your dh feels better and SOON y'all have things to do :)

Law, hope you have a great day too!!

Pray all is well with the rest of you lovely ladies :)

AFM, I am good, just focused on work, the house, miltary schooling...the list goes on and

10 years ago

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