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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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I'm here...hanging around...just waiting fo O.

9 years ago

Massive temp drop and spotting, looks like AF is coming to town earlier than ever. It's ok. Just ready for a new cycle because this one was friggin' weird. First time I have had NO idea when I ovulated.

9 years ago • Post starter

GM ladies! It's Tuesday and I am determined to make this a better day than yesterday! Anyone have plans for the fourth?

A.Rich, hey there!! Thanks for checking in and for the prayers. Would love to see your little man!

Luv, I am PRAYING something is just a little off and AF is NOT here!! It's been a couple of hours since you wrote, how are things now?

Jan, Hey hun!! Hope you O soon :)

SMH, been thinking of you and wondering how yesterday went, hope all is more than well!

Cam, Hey lady, glad you made it home safely. The girls happy to be home??

Holly, How are you feeling?!

Amag, hoping all is well with you ;0

AFMed, how are you? How's your dh and dd? Hope all is going as planned!

Blue, you must have had an AMAZIN time...where ya at? LOL, miss ya!

Law, so happy to hear from you...just wanted to let you know...again ;)

AFM, I am ok, finally those pains have gone away praise just waiting. Still trying to secure a job as I am coming off of Active Duty orders on 6 Aug, which means I have really only three days in the office after today because I have 29.5 days of vacay to use!! And we are off Friday and Monday for the holiday. So I will use that time to find a job and get the house packed!

9 years ago

JLH lots of changes coming up for you! Have you heard about the interviews? Glad your ovaries feel better! :) And WOO for a month of vacation!!!

Yep, AF has arrived! Seriously, it's okay. It was SUCH a long shot that I'd be pregnant this month. If I really did ovulate on CD 11 or whatever, it's impossible that I'd be pregnant anyway. Didn't have nearly enough time to BD with DH out of town. This month's plan: tamoxifen and regular u/s so I can FINALLY get the timing of the IUI right. Haven't had a properly timed IUI at the new doctor's office yet. I'm excited about it because they really know what they're doing and I want to get the timing right.

Hope all the other girls are doing well! Anyone have 4th of July plans? The rec center (where I primarily train) is closed so I will have the day off, no plans though!

9 years ago • Post starter

Luv, glad you are doing well!! And hoping that everything will align this cycle :) We don't have any plans as of now...want to do something though. We shall see! I haven't heard from the interviews, may follow up. One was with a contractor so not sure if they are still awaiting the funding to come through or what. I have faith something is going to happen!

9 years ago

@luv: Sorry about AF.

@JLHart: Yay for a month off of work! That is friggin awesome. Good luck on the job hunt. Praying for your bfp!

AFM: I am not doing well at all. I am pumping in a closet right now at work. Its a big closet but still a closet. I miss Rella so much and today is so much worse than yesterday. I think I was in shock yesterday. It feels like a 50,000lbs weight is on my chest and I can't breathe. I am nauseous but forcing food down so I can produce milk... which is a whole separate issue because I am not pumping enough for her. And on top of everyone in the office seeing tears roll down my face constantly I forgot to put deoderant on today.

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9 years ago

SMH, I am sooo sorry to hear that :( I pray the time flies by so you can get to Rella!!

9 years ago

JLH FX that you hear back from those jobs soon! Either way, you will find something perfect :) And a BFP would really add to the fun!

SMH that is so heartbreaking! Is it your first week back? Hang in there hun. Hug her extra tight tonight when you're home! You can always freak out to us if you need to!

9 years ago • Post starter

Luv, hey lady!! Hopefully AF isn't being a complete witch to you :) Thanks for the positive vibes, I need that!! I agree something will come of it, I have a few irons in the fire :) You know at this point I will know it is meant to be whenever we conceive because with so many moving's not "appearing" to be the best time...if that makes sense? With the lack of a stable job, needing to get out of the current house, into the new one, move my MIL up here and at 90 she has her own set of issues we must deal with, there's a lot going on. But WHEN it happens I know God will be providing the blessings of not only the baby, but with all the means needed to support him/her and the process :) Whew...sorry about that!!!!

9 years ago

Jlh id love to show you my little man...can we send pictures in messages on here??

Luv sorry about af :( hopefully now though they will track your O better and we see a bright beautiful bfp from you asap fx

@smh my heart is breaking for you :( my partner doesn't want me to go back to work but if we are going to live together I will have to grr not looking forward to it but I'm thinking if I go back when he is 6months I can start doing a formula too up...I know it's probably not something you ever wanted but have you considered breast feeding with a formula top up only if needed?

Mi Amor 22/2/2013 User Image

9 years ago

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