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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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What sort of temperature rise would I be looking for?

I started taking temp yesterday so only have two times to compare. Yesterday it was 97.8, today it was 98.

10 years ago

Not sure about the temps, but I do the opk strip which is much easier to me.

10 years ago

Hope you're all doing great. I never temp but I too use opk's judiciously.

10 years ago • Post starter

I am 43 with a 22 year old son. In 2010 I married a man almost 12 years younger than me (he is 32 since April) who has no children. He wants children very much. We have been ttc since June/July 2013. I got pregnant naturally in August 2013 without even really trying. Miscarried September 2013 (fetus age ~ 6 weeks). Started OPK and temping in November 2013. Got pregnant January 2014. Miscarried March 2014 (fetus age ~ 6 weeks again). Performed genetic testing on "products of conception" (as it is technically called). Was pregnant with boy who had trisomy 20 (47, XY, +20). This is always nonviable.

Recently consulted with 3 separate Reproductive Endocrinologists (RE). All recommend IVF with PGS (Pre-implantation Genetic Screening for kayotyping to look for aneuploidy/trisomies). Cost for this is ~20k! Decided to do IUI instead with Follistim to produce 5-6 eggs this cycle (just returned to normal period this cycle after D&C on March 27th - takes me about 8 weeks to reset after D&C). Cost for this is estimated to be ~2k - we will see how much medication I need. Just paid $1100 for 1200IU Follistim. Just took first injection of Follistim last night (225 IU). Nervous and excited!! Have had mild headache all day, which I guess is potential side affect.

We are trying to get one normal egg to fertilize as I was told that at my age ~75-80% of eggs have the potential to be genetically abnormal upon fertilization (aneuploid, for example). So of 4 eggs released, only 1 could be genetically normal. I have no idea how this is going to end up! Have RE appt. on Saturday morning to check my response to the Follistim.

10 years ago

Just confirmed my opk today. Lots of .

10 years ago

Good luck Karamyl with your journey, I can imagine you and your husband want a baby as he hasn't got any and I hope all your efforts will be rewarded. It's just so difficult for us, I wish it wasn't but there are lots of ladies who do end up having their little bundles of joy at our age, we just have to keep going and persevering as much as possible then we'll get our 's!
Please keep us updated on your progress as it sounds really interesting and exciting. You're doing all you can which is inspiring. I'd do anything too but don't have that kind of money so will just have to go ahead and do what I can to get there.
Good you confirmed a positive opk today Jazmine, seems we'll be testing around the same time for our BFP's!
Hope everyone is doing great on here!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi. I'm 43, DH 45. We have no kids but are hoping to get a BFP this year! We've been married almost 12 years and really TTC for the last 4. We have had no luck with an IVF & IUI cycle. We had genetic testing on 3 embies (2 girls & a a boy) from the IVF cycle and all 3 had 2-3 chromosomal abnormalities (missing 1, added 1, etc.). Like you, karamyl, we had genetic testing on the POC from our miscarriage, but in our case the results were "inconclusive"

We are currently undergoing another IVF cycle and hoping to have our egg retrieval next week and are VERY excited!! I really feel like this will be the time that works.

I wanted to share a link that I found (and hope to be sharing others in the future, as I have some extra time on my hands) regarding [b]improving egg quality:[b]
Here's one:
and another:

I don't know if the information is the best, but it seems to be in line with what others are saying on our site, except it's all in one page for us! At the least, I'm going to ask my RE about all of these.

10 years ago

Hello eat2nourishyourbody (was trying to find a way to shorten that haha), thanks for the information, I personally will look into it but I'm not sure if the doctors just give that out here. It's hard enough to get progesterone let alone something like that but all the information about our eggs was really good to read.
Sorry your treatment hasn't worked so far but I hope that this time you get your rainbow baby and get to have the wonderful experience motherhood can bring. Good luck with your egg retrieval and I'll have you in my thoughts, please let us know how you get on and hope you get your BFP

I wonder if there are any ladies in their 40's who have success stories they can share with us. I think we need a boost, I certainly do. I feel like getting pregnant is only the beginning and then hoping that the babies stick is a whole different ball game

Take care ladies and sending lots of baby dust your way.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,

just to let you know that you can still get a natural BFP: I am now 28 weeks pregnant below is my story posted several months ago

" I sincerely hope my story will help many of you who are TTCing. I am 39 years old,I have been trying to conceive baby nr 1 for 6 years. I had 3 miscarriages: the first one at 8-9 weeks, and the two others at 5-6 weeks. to increase my chances of conceiving an healthy baby I changed a lot of things: doing a lot of divers workouts(mainly INSANITY from Shaun T.), slowly cutting off red meat and milk products (cheese, milk, cakes...), getting more vegetables, fruits, juices I get them from fresh fruits, I do them myself without adding any sweetener, most of time I drink pure filtered water minimum 2 liters a day ( I bought a BRITA filter), I just went for an healthy eating... to boost my fertility, I started a year ago to take a prenatal vitamins + extra folic acid (500 mg) + fresh royal jelly (2X500mg: morning/evening)+CQ10 ubiquinol form (2X100 mg morning/evening)+ bio pomegranate powder(less than 1X tea spoon diluted in pure water in the morning)+ pure raspberry leaves infusion(2X tea spoon morning/evening).6 months before BFP, I started with evening primrose (12 first days of my cycle) (2X500mg: morning/evening) and flaxseed oil ( remaining days of my cycle) (2X500mg: morning/evening).after sex, put your legs up to help the sperm to get into the uterus.The royal jelly and cQ10 was to improve my eggs quality, raspberry leaves and pomegranate was to improve my blood flow and improve my uterus lining. evening primrose and flaxseed was to improve my cervical mucus. all these efforts paid off I am now 12-13 weeks pregnant,
if you have any question don't hesitate leave me a note at :

10 years ago

Many congratulations on your pregnancy Vertolive, you're truly blessed. Thank you for giving us all hope, mind you I'm loads of years older than you so I don;'t expect the same outcome as easily but I'm not giving up hope just yet, no way. I've lost a few in the last year and they were all natural pregnancies. I think for me the problem is making them stick with us and that seems to be a problem with lots of us. I just wish we could wave a magic wand and get new eggs . Thank you again and I hope you're enjoying a really wonderful pregnancy and thanks for sharing, we need ladies like you :)

10 years ago • Post starter

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