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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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@southern. When can you go for your first ultrasound? I know here we go at 6-8, 12, and 20 weeks. Will you be finding out the gender? Should my symptoms lean towards a pregnancy, I would want to find out as not knowing with my last pregnancy drove me insane. Praying your pregnancy goes well.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: in the US normal is USUALLY around 6-8 weeks. Unless you have military healthcare and then they schedule your "on intake" crap with the nurse then and you don't get an ultrasound/physical exam until 10-12 weeks! It's killing me! And all the private places are stupid expensive. We definitely will find out if it's a boy or a girl. We wanna know! We like knowing. Helps so we can discuss names. Right now I'd just like to see the baby and know there's a healthy bean growing in there!

3 years ago

@southern. I totally understand wanting to see him or her as it just doesn't seem real until you see it with your own eyes. Last night I was feeling tingles and sligjt pokes in my sides, plus the heavy uterus. Could that be implantation. Did you feel anything in your tww?

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: some women feel that. I didn't with my first or this one until AFTER I knew and I'm about 90% sure implantation happened around the 6-7 dpo mark which is why my boobs started hurting so early. I also have this strong gut feeling I need to tell the doc to double check for twins. I don't know why I just feel the need to ask. And we all know sometimes intuition is just right.

3 years ago

@southern. I hope you do get twins. I almost have that same feeling myself, but I am wishful thinking if I am actually pregnant as my husband says its too early for my body to sustain another pregnancy so we have been using the pull out method. Now, I am unsure if some actually came inside or my careless wiping as we did it roughly 3 days before O (suspected) and day after O. If it's meant to be and it fits into His plans; then so be it. On the bright side, I'm so happy for you guys. Keeping my fingers crossed that when it comes time for your first ultrasound, that it all goes well.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: little joke I heard once: what do you call people who use the pull out method? Parents! Lol it's definitely not effective the way other birth control methods are but it's still a lower chance. You'd be shocked what the body can withstand. If it's in His plan, it'll happen, just like you said!

3 years ago

@southern. That's pretty funny. So, today I'm not noticing a lot of new symptoms. The creamy/lotion cm is not a lot and once it had a stringy effect to it. The last couple times that I went pee, my urine was bright yellow. My breasts do ache but i'm also still breastfeeding. I have this tightness feeling right under my ribcage and the sense of being full. The backaches isn't in my lower back but more across the hip bone area. Something weird happened today; my vagina (sorry) was throbbing a bit and slightly achy. Not sure what that means. This waiting game is horendous. Argh.

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3 years ago • Edited

Southern: How are you feeling? I hope tge morning sickness is not treating you too bad.

Dragonfly: I've heard so many people get pregnant from the pull out method, so you never know! Your symptoms do sound positive. I had that hip bone ache and breast ache/tenderness when I was pregnant last time and had that weird feeling down below too. It was actually a really annoying sensation! Hope this tww for you goes fast!

Yesterday I got a positive on an opk, couldn't believe it. So relieved to have cycles returning to normal. I had assumed according to tracking apps that I ovulated last Mon and covered bases. Seeing that ovulation is alot later I assume this could be why we weren't having success in past cycles. I feel quite a bit hopeful this time round.

3 years ago

@melerinn. That's what i heard as well, even though he pulls out with plenty of time. Thank you, I hope it goes fast as well. My cycles have been all over the place as well with me ovulating on CD20 of a 28 day cycle my last cycle. My last two pregnancies, I had a short leuteal so I started taking progesterone cream. I'm not taking anything this cycle to up my chances. I hope you catch the egg and get your BFP. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

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3 years ago • Edited

Hey ladies!! It has been a long time!!

Excited for those of you who got your positives and anxiously optimistic for those of you in the tww!!

Hubby and I have decided to try for #2! Since I have PCOS we are using Clomid to help me ovulate. This is our first cycle with it and it looks like I did ovulate based on blood work. So now I am anxiously waiting!! I don’t know when I actually O’ed but hubby and I definitely got the fertile window several times. I am feeling pretty normal and not even really having any pms symptoms yet, but that is how it was with my son. It took us 20 months the first time around and using meds towards the end before we got pregnant with our son. I took a test yesterday with nothing and then this morning. The one this morning looks like there might be something but it could also be an evap as I didn’t see it right away. Going to wait till Monday or Tuesday to test again.

Good luck ladies!!

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3 years ago

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