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Ttc for over 3 years!
I haven't journaled in a while. DH and I have been ttc our 3rd child for over 3 years now. My son just turned 4. took us a year to conceive both of our children so we tried almost immediately cause we knew it could take a while. Never thought it would take this long. I know stress has a lot to do with it. So month after month of temping and ovulation and checking CM and pregnancy test during the tww with no luck. I decided to take a month off and not really do anything. I pretty much know I ovulate every month. We were just trying to take it easy and bed every other day if we could. I have no clue what dpo I'm at. Especially since my cycle changes every month which it feels like. I could have anywhere from a 30- 36 day cycle. This cycle is a little weird in the tww. I have been tired more at night the usual water give me heartburn. Tummy is crampy and bloated but not like aunt flo. I decided to test cause I have been so freaking hot in the mornings I can't really sleep. Yesterday took a dollar store test there was for sure something there. Not an evap cause it was taken before the time was up. Just don't know if these nasty little tests are playing tricks on me. I pray to God and anyone else willing to listen this is our happy healthy baby we have been waiting for. He or she I really don't care as long as its happy and healthy and living .
4 Comments • 3 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Sorry little late!.
@rosehill - I tested with a digital q little over a week ago.
@Tanyaa- thanks girl! Lol I know those darn ? Get me everytime.
I haven't seen my OB yet to be truthful I haven't made the appointment yet still trying to find an OB here because I moved states last year.
Feeling pretty good. Tiredness is starting to creep in. No morning sickness yet. I had it pretty bad with my other two. So just waiting.
3 years ago • Post starter
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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