Community post
I dont want to get my Hope's up.
These last few months my cycles have been a little crazy. I had my son in May 2017 didn't get my first period til Nov 2017 then from there my cycle days went from 45 to 42 to 39 to 31 so it seem like they are getting shorter and back to normal whatever that is. When I was ready for AF to show I would get the normal moodiness and and pressure and cramps. Today I'm on cycle day 41 haven't had my period since June 12th with my 2 previous periods they started that days as well. Since then I have been getting waves of nausea mouth watering vivid dreams can't sleep well. And some other stuff but nothing really to write about. I have no idea when I ovulated or if I even did... this is just strange wondering if I should just test or wait another 2 days so I dont get my Hope's up. My hubby and I BD 3 days after my period then I had some brown discharge 7 days later small amount only when I wiped for 3 days so little almost nothing. Wondering if it was from ovulation or implantation maybe or just a weird cycle. I really hope it's a BFP cause I took up year to get pregnant with my first and 13 months with my second. So that would be a huge relief
2 Comments • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Thanks @shandysbaby. I broke down and tested this morning. It was negative I used a dollar store hpt. Not sure if that matters, but I would think if I were it would showed a positive by now. I'm on cycle day 43 not sure what's going on I just want AF to show or find that BFP so I know for sure. I'm not going to lie I was getting excited not seeing her show her face yet. But now I just wonder what the heck is going on.
6 years ago • Edited • Post starter
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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