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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Pandorica: good luck! I know how frustrating it is to be late and not know if it's because you ovulated late or because it's finally your month. *Hug*

2 years ago

Well, it wasn't my month unfortunately. Started af early this morning. I think I ovulated late this time because I got two days of spotting before af showed up like I always do, only almost a week later. Oh well, not much to do about it. Will be starting my ashwagandha+maca+artic root and will probably do OPK this time since I need to stop the artic roof after ov.

2 years ago

Pandorica-im sorry love hang in there.

Southernmama- I'm good ! Morning sickness is almost all gone. Thank goodness. Im almost 19 weeks. So crazy to think I'm pretty much half way there. How are you feeling these days? . I have been thinking about your little family lots with everything going on here and overseas. I hope you guys are staying safe ????

Praying for baby number 3!

2 years ago • Post starter

Miam: so lucky your morning sickness is gone. I forgot one of the meds I take for it last night and I'm sick today because of that. I'm 16 weeks today. We find out boy/girl Saturday and it's already looking to be a long week just anticipating that! Otherwise we're doing well. Hawaii is completely ridiculous with their covid restriction crap. My husband can't even go to the anatomy scan or any of my check-ups because of the restrictions here. To find gender out together and for him to even be able to see the baby before he or she is born we had to schedule an out of pocket private scan. But I'm hanging in there. We have the crib and dresser and a few other things for the baby so far since getting stuff here is such a pain. It's exciting! Do you know if you're having a boy or girl yet? Or are you not finding out?

2 years ago

Southernmama- man that really sucks. I'm sorry your poor husband.
My girlfriend said the same thing about getting items there its nuts.
Oh yes we found out. I seriously don't have the patience to wait. Were having a boy!!!. We just told out family on Saturday even though we knew for like e weeks. Lol.

Praying for baby number 3!

2 years ago • Post starter

Im on cd 15. O day is coming up within the next day or 2... Miam due date would be June for me this cycle..

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2 years ago

Miam: how exciting, a little boy!!!! I'm sort of hoping for a boy this time but I know I'll love a girl if that's what we're blessed with. But I just feel like we're having a boy. And of course hoping. We're gonna do a reveal video with a pink or blue powder popper. I picked them up today and I'm praying baby cooperates Saturday and shows us a good image without the cord in the way!

2 years ago

Hberry- thanks I will change it. Good luck this cycle

Southernmama- were pretty excited that will be 3 for 3 on boys for us. I totally thought he was going to be a girl cause this time felt so different. Oh well I don’t care just want a happy healthy baby.

Positive thoughts going your way for a boy!!.

Praying for baby number 3!

2 years ago • Post starter

Miam: my daughter wants a sister and I'm reallllly trying to help her understand that it could just as easily be a brother. My husband is 100% convinced it's a boy. I'm leaning toward thinking it's a boy and more or less both our families think it might be a boy. We're kinda crossing our fingers hoping but knowing we'll love a boy or a girl and just want baby to be healthy. But Saturday is so close and seems so far away. I am gonna be antsy all morning waiting to go to our appointment!

2 years ago

Hey Everyone,
Just stopping in to say hi! I've been keeping up with this thread from afar and happy to see all of the bfps. To those still ttc I'm sending you all the baby dust! Best of luck this cycle

2 years ago

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