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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Vintage: damn, I thought one of us would get it. I'm feeling pretty sure that sf will show tomorrow or Tuesday myself. Just a feeling. I obviously hope I'm wrong but... It's easier to expect af and be happily surprised if it doesn't show up. Boobs are feeling bigger and nipples are a little sensitive to touch. I think my cm is dryer than is usual for me this time in my tww and there's less but I can't be sure. I dunno. I might be testing in a few days or maybe not.

3 years ago

Damn. Af just started (sometime in the last couple hours since I last used the bathroom). And the cramping is setting in. Sigh.

3 years ago

I’m sorry, Southern. I was hoping for at least one of us too. I’m going to talk to my partner about making sure we hit as many fertile days as possible this month. Fortunately we have a couple kid free days, including a rare day off together during that time.

3 years ago

Vintage: me too. I'm gonna try to be less stressed about things this cycle but I don't know if that's possible when you're prepping to move! But I guess trying to be a bit more relaxed about things and just having sex every couple days should do it. Sigh. Can't believe this will be my 9th cycle. If I'd known it would take so long for my body to regulate after birth control I'd have stopped much sooner. Sigh. Can't be helped now I guess.

3 years ago

Hey everyone it’s officially ovulation day!! (As long as my temp confirms it tomorrow) We have been DTD a lot. This is my first cycle after my miscarriage in April. Everything’s going good so far, now I have the dreaded 2 week wait!!

Who’s currently waiting with me??

3 years ago

Southern & Vintage - sorry af got you both.

Musical - good luck in the tww! I'm just starting my tww too!

As for me, I expected I would ovulate at cd 14 like I have for the past 6 months. But apparently my suppliments delayed it just a few days. Finally got my smiley face today at cd 17. But this time it was actually good it got delayed since my hubby has been home since monday and will be for a few more days, so we've managed to get more bd in. Finger crossed for better luck this cycle.

3 years ago

Good morning ladies

Southernmama and vintage- I'm sorry
Musical and pandorica- good luck

AFM - I honestly have no idea where I'm at since I'm not tracking or testing this month. I could have ovulated or not. Things definitely have been alot more relaxing this time around. DH and I have been bedding every other day. Hopefully we catch this little egg. Ugh I want this so badly. The only thing I have to go off of is my longest cycle which was last month at 36 days. At CD 23 today so who knows. Lol how is everyone?

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Just waiting for O here! I’m on cd 11 and I haven’t gotten a positive OPK yet, which is strange for me. So we’re just trying to find the time to BD every other day this week and hope for the best. Ava is still calibrating, I think, because my fertile window has shifted a lot. How is everyone else?

3 years ago

Approx 6 dpo today and are quite alright. I got a new medicine last week for nerve pain which and even though I'm only on the "starter dose" I actually feel a small improvement. The best part is that it doesn't affect fertility like my precious med! And I also got a referral for a MRI in the middle of july, if I'm not pregnant by then that is (yeah, big chance).. TTC wise I have been having some minor cramps since ovulation, just for a few minutes a few times a day. I have also been getting heartburn, but that could be due to my new med too, so. I ordered some IC yesterday which I know are reliable, at least the ones sold here. Will try to hold off testing until at least 9 dpo.

3 years ago

@pandorica. Good luck. I had some minor AF cramps during my tww that was out of the ordinary and heartburn as well.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Good luck to those testing soon and gearing up to ovulate. I told my hubby the other night that my child bearing days aren't over. I really want to try for a girl. We aren't trying and using the pullout method. I believe that if it happens, it will happen. I do want my 4th before I turn 40 in the next few years; sounds shocking to me lol but I guess I fear getting old.

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3 years ago

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