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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022
Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!
412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by likes)
I expected to wake up to a full flow, but nothing.. So I took one of my digital and to no surprise it said 'not pregnant'. But af showed up just a few minutes ago. I think I'm going to start temping again just to have a much better overview of the exact day I ovulate. Since i use a mouth guard when I sleep I can't temp orally anymore, so I'll try temping vaginally this time around. I'll start temping as soon as af is over.
3 years ago
@ pandorica- I'm sorry love. Thats stinks. I temp vaginally also cause of my kiddo sometimes still sleeps in my bed. Remember you still need to take it around the same time.
Good luck!!
Also ladies just in case I can't get on here for a while. I am going to change this board to
TTC babies for 2022. Unless there is a better idea. ?
3 years ago • Post starter
Pandorica: darn, so sorry af got you.
Afm: 5dpo (ish). Nothing to really say besides that. I'm not too hopeful considering how stressful things were this month. All my tests are in one of our suitcases and I'd have to dig them out so it'll make it hard for me to test early. Probably for the best. I'll know in about 9 or 10 days I suppose.
3 years ago
My charts finally gave me an O day- though Ava gave me one day and Fertility Friend says it was the day after that. I’m going with Ava, though, based on my OPKs. Still weird temps this month, and not feeling optimistic. Just looking forward to AF starting on Friday so I can get it over with. Bloated, my back hurts, sore boobs…. Just want it over already.
3 years ago
Vintage: I hope af stays away and you get two lines! But, if not I'm sorry!
Hberry: I think your luteal may be longer than your app or whatever you use is telling you. That may be why you're getting to 3 days past the predicted starting date and then starting. Especially if it's consistently happening.
Afm: 6 dpo today. Not really paying attention to more than that. Just playing video games and counting down to our trip to Disney and Universal Studios!
3 years ago • Edited
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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