Community post
TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022
Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!
412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by likes)
dragonfly: Thank you so much. The symptoms I had this time were chills on and off throughout the tww and some nausea which is still going. I feel like its way too early for morning sickness (with my daughter it didnt start till about the end of week 5) so its very odd for me. I hope its a good sign to feel sick this early.
I hope for you that he did...if that it what you are hoping for also. I know that you mention now not being the ideal time for you both but it would be lovely to have two children so close in age wouldn't it.
punk: I can see it! fingers crossed for you!
hberry: feel better soon! and goodluck this cycle, once again i'm rooting for you!
southern: thank you so much. I can barely believe it. Today's test with a ClearBlue digital said 'Pregnant' and I'm feeling all sorts of emotions. It's so amazing how good one word can feel.
Wow that came around so fast, I'm not sure it has felt like that for you though. You must be so excited waiting for tomorrow to come around. I personally would love to see you ultrasound, however I'm not the best person to answer since I got my BFP. Hopefully some of the others can chime in with their thoughts.
3 years ago
@southern. I'm doing pretty good. Trying to stay cool as much as possible; been super hot here and we don't have A/C.
@melerinn. I'd love to have kids real close in age but right now, our living situation isn't the greatest. We only have a two bedroom house with 5 of us. He has his house that is a 3 bedroom but is fixing it up to make it livable. For all three of my pregnancies, I didn't have any morning sickness; and I didn't know I was pregnant until after Canada Day and my period was late. See what this month brings.
3 years ago
Melerinn: I am SO excited for you! How about I just send you the photo in a message so I don't make anyone sad? Probably easier! I saw your comment about morning CAN start early. Mine started at like just shy of 5 weeks as just being nauseous if I was hungry. Then by 5.5 weeks it was full blown. With my daughter it started at 5+4 out of nowhere. It can start ANY time once the HCG starts getting high enough!
Dragonfly: ohhhh brutal without ac! I don't know if I could live without it!
3 years ago
Congrats @Melerinn!
Huge congrats @punk! Like dragonfly says, not everyone have implantation bleeding or symptoms before a bfp. I didn't have any implantation bleeding and the only symptom before my bfp were that my temp were much higher.
AFM, I'm now approx 4 dpo and I have a tingling sensation in my boobs. That's normal for me at this time though. So nothing out of the ordinary at this point. In two months time I'll be unemployed, so right now I'm trying to find another job.
3 years ago
Congrats Punk!
Good luck Pandorica on everything, job search and the TTC journey.
Afm 6dpo, I feel chilled, nauseated and on day 2 with this headache that is making me feel sick. I also have a stuffy nose. The last time I was this sick I was pregnant with my 9 yr old son.
3 years ago • Edited
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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