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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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I hope everyone is doing ok.

I'm just starting my tww. I decided to start temping this month, but vaginally instead since I sleep with a mouth guard. I've read that temping vaginally usually gives you higher temps, but not me. It looks exactly the same as when I used to temp orally. So, I got a pretty huge temp drop yesterday, almost one of my biggest drops yet. I tested twice with clearblue digital opk (the pink one) but didn't get the smiley. I only tested in the morning and at 4 pm. Today I got a significant temp rise and the smiley face. Not unusual for me to miss my peak from time to time. Two more temps to confirm, but I'm pretty sure I ovulated during the night.

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3 years ago

@pandorica. I tried temping orally but I read that it has to be done in the same spot every time. Plus, I too sleep with a night guard and I am also a mouth breather. So, I've always done it vaginally and stop when AF shows. Good luck and hope you get your BFP.

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3 years ago

Hope its okay to join here. Im currently TTC #2, my cycles have been longer than usual and irregular since the birth of my daughter so I'm not entirely sure what cd I am but going by my last 2 cycles im looking about cd51 of a 53 day cycle. BFN on an Frer this morning :( so hoping AF comes in the next few days so I can get an idea of some regularity with my cycles and try again.

Baby dust to you all. Good luck to anyone currently in the tww.

3 years ago

The more the merrier Melerinn. So glad to have you here.
Afm I am 4dpo today. I actually felt it this time around which is very unusual. I have no real symptoms to notice right now.

3 years ago

Thank you Hberry! I hope the fact that you felt it this time is a promising sign for this cycle!

AF showed up for me on Monday night which as usual was disheartening but on the up side I'm seeing some patterns now with my cycles now. I think I'll try some ovulation tests this cycle to help.

3 years ago

Im 6dpo today and woke up with a strong metallic taste in my mouth. And that's the only thing I really notice.

3 years ago

I'm between 5-7 dpo depending on if I go by OPK or temp. For the past 3 days or so I've had a slight pinching feeling, or more like a needle but not as sharp. It's kind of hard to explain. I get it for a few seconds 1-3 times a day. I usually only get a similar feeling, but way more intense, when AF arrives. Only time will tell if it's a good sign or not.

3 years ago

Good luck to everyone! I'm rooting for you all this month!

3 years ago

New here, but not new to ttc. My cycle started 6/3, I ovulated cd15. 12dpo got a faint positive. Today I’m 16dpo and the test line is only a little darker. I’m using the same test for all. Don’t you think by now the line would be really dark.

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3 years ago

Good luck Hberry and Pandorica. I hope this is the month for the both of you!

Welcome Roadtoaster. Not much to offer but I would generally say if the line is still getting darker (even slightly) its still a positive sign. When will you be taking your next one? Please keep us posted on it.

Afm cd7 right now. First proper cycle pp so I'm hopeful for a return back to a 28 day cycle this month. Im going to cover all basis for a 28 day cycle and a 52 day cycle so fingers crossed.

3 years ago

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