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Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Hey ladies!!! 12 dpo today. Tomorrow being father's day here in the US I decided I wanted to go ahead and test. Plus my cm was showing af signs so I wanted to get the disappointment over with. Grabbed some frer tests the other day so I didn't have to play guessing games. I figured it was gonna be stark white. It's been stark white since October. Peed in the cup, dipped the test and started the timer to account for the 5 seconds you gotta dip the test. Capped it and covered the test so I didn't watch it. Timer went off. Took the covered test to the sink for better light. Uncovered and FREAKED!!!!! Definitely not a squinter!!!! Silently so I didn't wake my husband. Holy. Freaking. Crap. 9 months. I know so many struggle longer. But I'm shaking and trying to not cry in front of my kid who will ask what's wrong. I can't believe this is real. It's real, right? No way something this strong is a false positive, right? Not at 12 dpo?

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3 years ago

@southern. That is really a positive. No squinting there. My reaction, trying for my third was I did the test just as you described and set it on my tall dresser and sat on my bed to get dressed for work. Not knowing the outcome, I was afraid to look at it. Managed to get the courage to look and here we are today almost 5 months old. Will you tell your husband tomorrow and surprise him for Father's Day? Congrats, and I'm sure your kid will be so happy to have a little baby brother or sister.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: I just wanted to rip the band-aid of disappointment off this morning. Figured it'd be negative yet again. I'm THRILLED to be wrong. Yes, I'll tell hubby tomorrow for father's day! It's killing me to not tell him until tomorrow. I'm gonna be antsy until he gets up and gets outta the bathroom. I dunno if I'll be able to sleep tonight I'm so excited to tell him! I got a card months ago that says "A sprinkle of wishes, a shower of love" on the outside and the inside says "How sweet it is preparing for your new little one". And if he doesn't get it from that, I got this adorable little onesie with foxes, teepees, and cacti all over it to match the nursery theme I want. I'm so damn excited I feel like I will burst!

3 years ago

Southernmama- yay I'm so happy for you!!! Congratulations

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam: thanks! I'm soooo excited! I get a February baby as long as he or she comes by the due date of February 28th! It also happens that that date is my husband's birthday!

3 years ago

@southern. That's awesome. He will love it. I remember before one of my kids were born, I put, love mommy, daddy, brother & ..... as we didn't have a name picked out.

AFM. I'm curious to see if my period will show up tomorrow as that was the day it came last month. Still having some minor cramping, some odd breast tenderness but I am also still breastfeeding; so unsure if that's the case. Another symptom would be some under armpit pain near my right breast but could be from the way I was sleeping. I picked up some FRER's today and I do have one digital left from the last time; but I am sure I won't be using them. God works in mysterious ways. Happy Father's Day to everyone. Will update soon.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: it's killed me all day to not say a word. I had to keep myself busy or out of the house all day just so I didn't blurt it out! I really hope you get a + yourself. Fingers crossed and baby dust!

3 years ago

Oh my goodness Southern, I’m so happy for you!! Wonderful news!! Good luck tomorrow!

3 years ago

Southern - Yay!! Congrats!

3 years ago

Vintage: thanks! I had really set it in my head I wasn't gonna get it this month because I mean, it's easier than hoping and seeing that stark white. I have about 2.5 hours before hubby will be up and I can give him his cards and "gift".

Pandorica: thanks hon! I can't wait for you to get yours as well!

3 years ago

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