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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Vintage: I think if ava and FF say you ovulated then you did. So if your digital is saying high fertility it's possible it's picking up pregnancy but sometimes the hormones surge before af too so it's not reliable lol. Alas you may have to just wait. I went ahead and tested and bfn. But I'm also only 10 dpo. So I figured I wouldn't get anything. But, I couldn't resist anymore lol!

3 years ago

CD 11 here and not much to report. Are taking some supplements this cycle - ashwagandha, rose root and maca root. The ashwagandha has helped my sleep quite a bit. So now I'm hoping it may do something fertility wise too. Usually ovulate CD 14 but don't know if the supplements will affect ovulation.

3 years ago

Waiting has been so difficult this month!!! Idk why. But I’m not going to do another pregnancy test until Sunday. And if AF does show, I’m going to take another opk this time next month just to see if it’s normal for me.
I’m hoping it’s just super early for you!

3 years ago

Another blinking smiley face on the OPK this morning. My temp went up a very small amount, as well as my pulse rate. Still trying to hold out until Sunday to test, and really hoping my temp doesn’t drop tomorrow. :(

3 years ago

Vintage: oh, I hope this is it for you! It's looking more like it won't be for me. My cm has shifted to the usual I get before af and I was cramping yesterday. Frer was negative this morning. I'm guessing Sunday I'll start. If I don't get af by Tuesday morning I'll test again. Otherwise I'm just waiting for af to show.

3 years ago

I think it’s safe to say I’m out. My temp didn’t drop today, it stayed the same, so I took another frer. Not even a shadow, which I feel like there would be something at 13dpo. Opk was still flashing though, so I probably just have an estrogen surge at this time in my cycle.

3 years ago

Vintage: sometimes women get negatives til they're a week or two late. I know my sister gets them until she's 2 weeks late. Not even a shadow. If your temp usually drops by now, it could be good that it has stayed up. But I get wanting to just expect af and not be hopeful. I'm pretty much assuming I'm out. Based on cm/cervix opening I'm guessing I'll be getting af tomorrow or Monday. I won't test again unless af hasn't shown by Tuesday morning.

3 years ago

Southern, thanks for the optimism unfortunately I started spotting this afternoon and I’m sure AF will be in full swing soon. I can’t believe I’m having a 23 day cycle! So not fair... especially since my temp didn’t even drop... picked up a bottle of wine because, if it’s not pink then drink, right? Seriously, though, I’m planning on taking better care of myself this month... after drowning my sorrows today.
I hope you get unexpectedly good news on Tuesday!

3 years ago

Vintage: damn, I thought one of us would get it. I'm feeling pretty sure that sf will show tomorrow or Tuesday myself. Just a feeling. I obviously hope I'm wrong but... It's easier to expect af and be happily surprised if it doesn't show up. Boobs are feeling bigger and nipples are a little sensitive to touch. I think my cm is dryer than is usual for me this time in my tww and there's less but I can't be sure. I dunno. I might be testing in a few days or maybe not.

3 years ago

Damn. Af just started (sometime in the last couple hours since I last used the bathroom). And the cramping is setting in. Sigh.

3 years ago

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