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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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vintage - I'm a bit bummed, but I think I already knew this was going to happen. Don't know if I want to count it as a chemical since the line were barely there and these tests are supposed to measure from 10mlU, so.. I'm hoping this summer will bring us our bfp though. If not, then we'll do some fertility testing after the summer to see if there's something wrong or not.

I'm starting to suspect there might be something that's stopping the egg from implant properly. Either it's my thyroid levels that are interfering. I'm going for some new tests on monday, so we'll see. I've had elevated TPO-levels, but nothing that counts as too high. They were 40 in august and 80 in december. Over 100 is considered too high here. But I could also be having some scar tissue after the threads of my IUD started to imbed itself in my uteri wall. Both my mother and my sister have endometriosis. My mum only had super heavy periods and my sister has been having really painful periods. Me, my periods are super regular and I have almost zero pain. Although I have a history of ovarian cysts (when I had my IUD) and I seem to get more back pain when ovulating and also on my period. Don't think they'll check me for endometriosis though, since I don't have that much issues with painful or heavy periods..

3 years ago

Southern - I know! So much going on - my oldest turned 11 in April, my sister in law had a second knee surgery, my nephew had a birthday and graduated high school. We went on vacation last weekend- my 3 oldest are playing baseball (that consumes our week. My oldest 2 play monday and wednesdays and my 5 yr old does tee ball tuesday and thursday. Then friday and sunday are travel ball practices with travel ball travelling to rozellville (rose zell ville).. So I trck when I can.

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3 years ago

Hberry: wow, talk about a crazy schedule! Last week was the packers and the loaders for our move to Hawaii. Now we're in a practically empty house with air mattresses, a tv, and a few suitcases worth of clothes and such to get by! We don't even have a microwave! We go on our Disneyworld and Universal Studios trip the 23rd and return the 27th. Then we fly to Hawaii the 1st of July and will be in a hotel for an unknown amount of time until we get housing from the military or find housing off base. Yikes! I should at least know yes or no before we go to the amusement parks.

3 years ago

Hberry-that sounds promising and wow busy schedule!
Pandorica-Im sorry girly that really stinks I hope everything turns out well for you!
Southernmama- dang girl I would be a wreck not really knowing where I'm going, but disney sounds like so much fun!!

Vintage- thanks for asking im doing good! Not a whole lot of symptoms but the tiredness is starting to creep in. With my other two pregnancies I had really bad morning sickness and the elevated smells OMG. But I don't really remember when that kicked in. So far nothing. Still haven't scheduled an appointment yet I think I will be doing that today. I was looking for a new OB since I don't have one here.

I hope all is well ladies sure hope I see some more BFP soon!!

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam: yeah, I haven't slept the best. I'm looking forward to the hotel just for the bed and the pillows (our temp pillows suck so bad). Disney will be a total blast! So will the harry potter park!

3 years ago

Southern - You guys have fun!! I have a friend that works at Disney! That sucks you guys have to sleep on air mattresses for quite awhile.
Miam- I know it's insane! This weekend we will be out of town again for my nephew's graduation party. Tomorrow night we are going to a Wisconsin Woodchucks baseball game where the youth kids from our city will be recognized! My mother in law is coming with us tomorrow so it'll be fun!
11dpo today and still no sign of AF showing. No real symptoms today to even notice. It'll be interesting to see if I truly am or not.

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3 years ago

Either 15 or 16 dpo today and no period yet, which is odd. Usually I have a full flow by 15 dpo at the latest. So far I only have very minor light brown spotting and have had for almost 3 days now, which is unusual for me too. My spotting quickly goes from light brown one day to quite heavy dark brown the day before af shows up. I can't remember when I had this light spotting before af. But IF this was a chemical, maybe that can explain it. If af hasn't shown up tomorrow I think it's time to take a new test.

3 years ago

I expected to wake up to a full flow, but nothing.. So I took one of my digital and to no surprise it said 'not pregnant'. But af showed up just a few minutes ago. I think I'm going to start temping again just to have a much better overview of the exact day I ovulate. Since i use a mouth guard when I sleep I can't temp orally anymore, so I'll try temping vaginally this time around. I'll start temping as soon as af is over.

3 years ago

@ pandorica- I'm sorry love. Thats stinks. I temp vaginally also cause of my kiddo sometimes still sleeps in my bed. Remember you still need to take it around the same time.

Good luck!!

Also ladies just in case I can't get on here for a while. I am going to change this board to
TTC babies for 2022. Unless there is a better idea. ?

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

@pandorica. Truely sorry. Hoping next cycle is the one

@miam. How are you feeling. Maybe appoint someone to create a new post to keep things going?

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3 years ago

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