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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Merelinn- it was just the chills, I had a 2 day pounding headache that made me super sick. Whether those are positive signs is the unknown. Tonight I have had sharp stabbing pains in my lower ribs on top of me being constipated.. Usually by now I'm having the runs and I haven't had it. Ive also had a stuffy nose as well..

3 years ago

@hberry. Praying that this is it for you and you get your BFP. Are you testing early or waiting until you are late? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

AFM. Hubby and I DTD and not sure what to think on how the tww is going to go as he seems to know when my hot day is just by my temperature. Expected AF is August 15. Really going to try and not symptom spot and let nature run its course. I'm not tracking, temping or using any creams; as I'm one of those, "if it happens it will happen" and God will not give me more than what I can handle and whether or not it fits in His plans.

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3 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly, I'm waiting to see if AF shows or not. DH and are also if it happens, it happens. We're so frustrated with trying so much it was like a chore, so if I get a little miracle then it's meant to be.

3 years ago

Well, I finally got my IB today. Very light yellow/brown tinge when I wiped and my boobs are beginning to swell and I can almost feel them getting sore on the sides. The BF and I did a watch party on Hulu and watched 'Storks!' I cried a lot and I blame the hormones. It's hard when he's so far right now, but the plan is to hopefully buy a house by the end of the year and move in together. He and I both had premonitions of having a boy, but the predictor says girl.

I guess we'll see!

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3 years ago

@punk. How are you feeling today? Hope the IB stopped for you. Some Chinese predictor is based on a year ahead as they consider the birthday is based on your last period.

AFM. Not sure what day I ovulated on. Saturday I experienced a lot of ewcm. Sunday (exp. O) I noticed blood tinged cm and today, a bit more ewcm. Does anyone have any idea as I'm not temping.

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3 years ago • Edited

@dragonfly I'm feeling pretty good today. I get minor dizzy spells and I'm going to the bathroom ALL THE TIME, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

3 years ago

Punk: do your dizzy spells kind of feel like vertigo? I had that really bad at about 5 weeks pregnant. I almost had to go to the same day eval clinic for obgyn my hospital has it got so bad one day. Like I'd be sitting up on the hotel bed and the room would just spin.

3 years ago

@southern No, it's not that bad. Just enough that I notice but not too the point I think 'i need to sit down'.

3 years ago

Well, now I'm worried. I had my phone appointment with the nurse to do my intake and to set up my appointments and they had me do the hcg blood test. They just called me and said it's almost negative. (hcg level 9 miu/ml). I even used the other clear blue digital test this morning and it still said pregnant. But I'm also not so tired today....and my temperature dropped to 97.5.

So I'm officially freaking out now and have to wait a week to retest.

I'm just going to go cry now.

3 years ago

@punk. Awe, try to hang in there and I know it's easier said tgan done. Your blood test could mean different things. It may show a low count because you are really early in your pregnancy. Or the worst case scenario is the CB shows "pregnant" because there was HCG in your system. Do you have any FRERs that you could take for the time being? I don't know much about BBT as I never took mine when I was pregnant with my other pregnancies. I'm praying this baby sticks and is healthy. Stay strong.

AFM. Still noticing lots of ewcm, cramping and some heaviness in the ovaries. Just wish that I was temping so I can take the guess work out of things. On to the dreadful tww lol.

Good luck to everyone who is testing soon and is about to ovulate. Go catch that egg.

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3 years ago

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