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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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@SouthernMama there is definitely a line using the tools! It's there! Hoping it's a BFP!


3 years ago

Millbarnett: it was even more so there in person! I'm so scared to see whether it becomes something more!

3 years ago

Southernmama- I definitely see something even without the tools I'm for you.. keep us updated on your progress.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam: woohoo,! Everyone I've asked sees it. I'm sooooooo nervous to test again with fmu either tomorrow or Sunday.

3 years ago

Southern, I couldn’t see it in the pic you posted here, but I definitely see it in the pic on your profile!!! When is AF due??
Also, I did stop progesterone cream yesterday, but I’ll probably start again today... it absolutely effects my sleep and constantly makes me feel like I have PMS symptoms. Im pretty sure I’m stopping everything except for the fertility monitor next month. It’s wrecking my body.

3 years ago • Edited

Vintage: I think uploading to the forums degrades the image quality or something which is why I posted it to my profile. It's most definitely there and this is the first time it hasn't been something like pixelization in the photo. I haven't even been able to get indents or evap lines on any of my tests since we started trying in October. I can't count how many people's tests I've seen start out like this and get darker so this is so, so very promising.

3 years ago

Southernmama- I'm so excited for you. I can't wait. Hopefully this will be a turning point for all us. We can all use some good luck

Vintage- you do whats right for you. Nobody has to be in your body except you. Good luck love.

Hberry -how are you feeling? Strep is no joke. It hurts like heck!

Millbarnett- how are you doing?

AFM- With the weird cycle I don't know where I'm at. LOL ..Looks like I may have ovulated yesterday. I finally got a tem rise this morning but I guess I won't know for another day or so.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam: I really, really hope so. I just pray it's not a cruel evap or something crazy like that. I haven't had a single mark on any test so far. I've imagined plenty and thought I saw something on a photo but those were just the way the camera caught the light or well, me imagining things. This is the first REAL one. And the last time I had a line like this it was 11 dpo and it ended as a chemical. I'm just afraid to hope I guess.

3 years ago

Southernmama thats perfectly normal to not want to get your hopes up. The wait and see is so hard.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

@ Miam I'm good. We had to cancel our IUI this last month because I got super ill. Think it might have been covid. And I don't want to do it in May because we are going on Vacation in June. So maybe July? Just have not even been thinking about ttc lately. Still watching for O signs and testing but nothing major.


3 years ago

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