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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Well, this is a first for me. Just started spotting/bleeding. Not sure if it is IB or AF as I never had it before with my other pregnancies. Cervix is high and open, which was different from when I checked it this morning. Also feel like a start of a small UTI is starting. I guess the yeast infection took a toll on my cycle. Feeling slightly bummed out.

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3 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly: looking those charts its totally possible it could be too early for testing.
Keep us updated on how things go today. Im keeping my fingers crossed its IB for you. I really hope this is your month.

3 years ago

@melerinn. Thank you. I hope so too but I think it just may be my body going back to normal as I don't have the high sense in smell. I keep replaying my aunts comment from my dream over and over in my head hoping it will come true. I never experienced IB so have no idea what color to look for. I read that with AF that the cramps are worse than IB, and I don't think I have any cramping. I will keep you all updated.

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3 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly: it's possible it's too early. For IB, it's usually light pink, sometimes brown like old blood. Rarely is it bright red like af. It is usually just a little bit of spotting and usually no cramps. The slight cramping I felt after my bfp felt more like gas/a full bladder than cramping.

3 years ago

@southern. Thank you, I'm pretty sure then that it's AF as it picked up a bit. That's alright. It will happen when it happens.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: darn! I'm sorry girl! I was rooting for you big time!

3 years ago

@southern. Thanks girl. I'm not upset. If I would have gotten pregnant my EDD would of been March 30; a day before my daughters and I don't think that would go over real well. This cycle would be a couple days before my moms birthday.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: So sorry about that lovely. Im bummed out for you. Here's hoping for the next cycle, maybe with the EDD being more favourable it will be a perfect chance for you to catch the egg. Im cheering you on!

3 years ago

@melerinn. Thank you. My memory may be short, but I hope you get your BFP soon.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: Thank you, currently 3dpo or 4dpo. Obviously nothing to report, just trying to keep busy.
I hope next month is the month of BFPs for alot of us on here!

3 years ago

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