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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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9dpo and I caved and tested. Hoping its a little too early still. I think i can see a shadow but probably just (very) wishful thinking. I have one more test, I might try again at 11 or 12dpo.
As for symptoms, im super nauseous and have really achy hips.

3 years ago

Hi all! I'm back after taking a long break. I lost a baby in August last year and I had a HSG test this month (Tubes are clear! Yay!). Did the BD every other day during fertile week and now I'm supposedly 7dpo and just playing hurry up and wait. Been having a LOAD of lotiony cm these past few days. Crossing fingers for everyone here!

3 years ago

Welcome back Punk! Sorry about your loss. Hoping you get your bfp soon!
Merelinn- hope you get your bfp soon, sounds like promising signs.
AFM, I'm 1dpo. Hubby and and Dtd a few times during my fertile window including tonight.. Here's to hoping something happens

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3 years ago • Edited

Punk: So sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of good vibes and baby dust for this month.

Hberry: I've got my fingers crossed for you. I really hope this is it for you!

I took another test this morning. I can see a line (so can my husband) it was hard to take a good photo of it. I just hope it isn't an indent and progresses across the next few days. I really should wait till at least 12dpo so I don't get disappointed.

3 years ago

Hope everyone is going well especially if you are in your tww.

12dpo today. Last night got my BFP. Im still can't believe it. Hoping for a sticky bean!

3 years ago

@melarinn. Yay. Congrats. I'm so happy for you. You must be over the moon. Any symptoms out of the ordinary this month?

AFM. My husband DTD tonight; roughly three days before O (Aug 1 est) and we have had a few beers and he actually doesn't know if he came inside or not as he may be dehydrated. Only time will tell but I don't think he actually did.

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3 years ago

Hi @Hberry! So nice to hear from you!

Ok, but today I'm 11 dpo. I took a test this morning.

Do I have 'line eyes'? Am I crazy for seeing the faintest of lines?

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3 years ago

Punk I see the start of a line too. Hopefully this is it for you.
Afm Im 5dpo and I feel like total garbage; feeling like I'm gonna puke, dizzy, head is pounding, everything.

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3 years ago

@punk. I'm see a start of a line as well. Praying the baby sticks.

@hberry. Sorry you are feeling under the weather. Hope you feel better soon.

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3 years ago

Melerinn: OMG YAY!!!! I just saw your post and the test on your profile!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!

Punk: I think I see the beginning of something! If this isn't one of the sensitive tests I would, if they're available where you live, buy a first response early result and try it!

Hberry: sorry you feel so yuck! Fingers crossed for you!

Dragonfly: how are you doing dear?

Afm: 9 weeks and 3 days today and I get my first ultrasound tomorrow. Anyone wanna see or is that too much for y'all still trying? Don't wanna hurt anyone by sharing!

3 years ago

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