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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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@southern. That's awesome. He will love it. I remember before one of my kids were born, I put, love mommy, daddy, brother & ..... as we didn't have a name picked out.

AFM. I'm curious to see if my period will show up tomorrow as that was the day it came last month. Still having some minor cramping, some odd breast tenderness but I am also still breastfeeding; so unsure if that's the case. Another symptom would be some under armpit pain near my right breast but could be from the way I was sleeping. I picked up some FRER's today and I do have one digital left from the last time; but I am sure I won't be using them. God works in mysterious ways. Happy Father's Day to everyone. Will update soon.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: it's killed me all day to not say a word. I had to keep myself busy or out of the house all day just so I didn't blurt it out! I really hope you get a + yourself. Fingers crossed and baby dust!

3 years ago

Oh my goodness Southern, I’m so happy for you!! Wonderful news!! Good luck tomorrow!

3 years ago

Southern - Yay!! Congrats!

3 years ago

Vintage: thanks! I had really set it in my head I wasn't gonna get it this month because I mean, it's easier than hoping and seeing that stark white. I have about 2.5 hours before hubby will be up and I can give him his cards and "gift".

Pandorica: thanks hon! I can't wait for you to get yours as well!

3 years ago

Congrats Southern! That is a strong positive!
Afm Im CD10. Dtd last night and I'm hoping to do more this cycle. Hubby brought up the last week how he likes the name Noah for a boy. I joked and said well then let's give it go and try lol so who knows. We'll see what happens

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3 years ago

Hi everyone! 2dpo here and feeling like this is my month! 8 more days til testing!! Ovulated on Saturday and felt the cramping all day and still mild cramping today.

3 years ago

Hberry: thank you! Went to the doc and they did a urine hcg test (apparently they don't do blood until you've been referred to an OB unless you've been undergoing monitored cycles). It's officially doctor confirmed! Not that I needed it lol! Anyway, good luck to you this cycle! Noah is pretty cute for a boy! Hopefully he'll be up for some more bding since he's considering names!

3 years ago

Hi ladies. So, CTP says my period is due today and my app says tomorrow. I'm actually shocked that it didn't start the same day as last month on CD23. On CD27, and still hardly any symptoms but the mild period type cramps. Have not checked cervix to see if it is open or closed. Tomorrow should be what I believe is 9dpo. Not sure when to test. Update when I can.

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3 years ago

CD1 for me. The witch showed her ugly face around supper time. Sounds to good to be true; conceiving using the pull out method as I'm sure it happens from time to time. Good luck everyone.

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3 years ago • Edited

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