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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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So I don't wanna get my hopes up too much but..... I may have had implantation bleeding? I'm not sure! I've never had it so I wouldn't know! I was checking cm internally because if I don't I'll never know because it all hangs out around my cervix. I check and there's this speck of red. I get it on some toilet paper and can see it is blood! Just a single speck! Then later on that evening I check internally again except I use toilet paper so I can really tell. And again, another couple specks of blood in the cm! Nothing since! I'm about 7 dpo so I was 6 dpo yesterday. There's a small possibility I may actually have been 7 dpo but I'm getting on the side of earlier. Anyway, this is my 8th cycle ttc for #2 and even when ttc my first this is the first time I've had any sort of blood this far away from AF. Can implantation bleeding be just a speck of blood or two in cm and then nothing? So unnoticeable that I only saw it because I was checking cm?

3 years ago

Southern, I really hope so!!! Do you have anything else happening?
I’m 8dpo, and I’ve got brain fog (probably due to over-working more than anything else) and pretty intense bloating. I can’t seem to do anything about it the last two days.

3 years ago

Hey ladies.. sorry I have been MIA lately. My son turned 4 so we were just going crazy all week. Lol I have read up i hope you all are doing well.

Southernmama and vintage- fingers crossed for you both

Millbarnett- really hoping everything goes well for you.

AFM- nothing much going on still waiting to ovulate. Im taking this month off of temping and ovulation kits. Seeing if things just happen. Fingers crossed ????

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Vintage: I've been nauseous yesterday and today. On and off. Usually goes away if I eat something and comes back a few hours later.

Miam: hopefully the month off does it for you!

3 years ago

@southern. Good luck and vingers crossed

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: thanks! So, I am guessing those it could have been implantation but I won't be able to tell until I test, huh?

3 years ago

@southern. Not for a few days at least. How many DPOs are you?

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: depending on which opk you consider positive I'm either 8 or 9 dpo. I'm going with 8 to be cautious. My screenshot shows my OPKs. I generally O within 12-24 hours of the OPK going as dark as the control line. So the blood in the cm would have been on either 6 or 7 dpo. So, I guess I'll know in just under a week.

user submitted image

3 years ago

Southern, we’re very close this month! I’m 10 dpo today. When do you plan to test?
I’m testing in the AM, and I honestly have no idea what’s happening. I don’t feel strongly one way or the other. It’ll be my first full cycle with Ava monitor, so I’m interested to see how the information changes as more data is added.

3 years ago

Vintage: I'm considering testing tomorrow at 10 dpo but I dunno if I wanna see a - test. But my boobs are feeling larger which they haven't done lately during PMS. Even my hubby says they look/feel a bit bigger. I've started having a taste for a soda I usually hate the taste of as well. Could be a fluke. I'm not sure. I think I'm due for af Monday but I dunno if I can wait that long haha! Sooooo maybe tomorrow. The question is, I suppose, should I use a cheap test or a first response lol!

3 years ago

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