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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022
Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!
412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by informative)
Dragonfly: I took my test 3 days before af with the regular line test and then the digital in the afternoon was positive. So it's very possible if you'll be 3 days before af is due that you could easily get a +! But my sister is one who has to be 2 weeks late to get a + at all! So don't be discouraged if it's negative!
3 years ago
Dragonfly: with her latest that was recently born she actually had no clue as they'd stopped trying after a miscarriage. With my first nephew yeah she was like 6 weeks. It was crazy. He was sorta an accident lol. With the one she lost she was trying and yeah, it was awful for her to get negative after negative til 6 weeks almost. I felt bad for her.
3 years ago
With three days before my expected AF, it was too good to be true. Could it be that I tested to early and not a lot of HCG? I'm not really bummed as the risk is low using the pullout method. Having some slight cramping but that happened the same as last month. AF is due on Thursday.
Just looked at the package it came in and the expiry date was April 2021. When I took it out, it still showed the clock. Ladies, what are your thoughts?
3 years ago • Edited
So, I attached the three days where implantation can occur. July 7 is CTP, and July 8 is my suspected O and then the day after. Just wondering if maybe I tested too early. Had left ovary pain, minor cramps and my cm is watery and a bit creamy still. Cervix is now high and slightly closed, which happened last cycle too. I am extremly bitchy (sorry) and been like that since ovulation. Period due July 22.
3 years ago
Well, this is a first for me. Just started spotting/bleeding. Not sure if it is IB or AF as I never had it before with my other pregnancies. Cervix is high and open, which was different from when I checked it this morning. Also feel like a start of a small UTI is starting. I guess the yeast infection took a toll on my cycle. Feeling slightly bummed out.
3 years ago • Edited
@melerinn. Thank you. I hope so too but I think it just may be my body going back to normal as I don't have the high sense in smell. I keep replaying my aunts comment from my dream over and over in my head hoping it will come true. I never experienced IB so have no idea what color to look for. I read that with AF that the cramps are worse than IB, and I don't think I have any cramping. I will keep you all updated.
3 years ago • Edited
Dragonfly: it's possible it's too early. For IB, it's usually light pink, sometimes brown like old blood. Rarely is it bright red like af. It is usually just a little bit of spotting and usually no cramps. The slight cramping I felt after my bfp felt more like gas/a full bladder than cramping.
3 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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