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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Miam: it's gonna suck for awhile but it's gonna be so much fun to live in Hawaii! Here's to hoping I'll be getting my own positive test at the end of the month!

3 years ago

Southernmama- yay Hawaii thats great! Military? My girlfriend lives out there. They love it!!

Well ladies I had to see the words. But I don't think I will be completely comfortable until I see a doctor. Which now I have to find a new one since I have not seen one since I moved to Washington right before the pandemic. Ugh

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Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Omg congratulations Miam!! That’s so great!

3 years ago

@miam. Congrats. Hope all goes well.

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3 years ago

Miam: yeah, Hawaii! It'll be great once we finally get settled! Congrats to you for sure! I'm so excited! Keep us in the loop on what your doc says when you find one!

3 years ago

Thanks ladies.

@southernmama I will.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Huge congrats Miam!

As for me, I'm approx 9 dpo. It's 9 days since I got a positive with the digital OPK, but I usually always ovulate the same day as a positive so. Not feeling anything except for some light cramps. Tested with an early IC and I'm pretty sure it's just an evap.

3 years ago

Pandorica, how can you tell when you’ve ovulated? I’m trying to figure it out. I got a high opk Wednesday morning, and a peak opk Wednesday night. My temperature hasn’t risen yet, and Ava and fertility friend are both giving me today as O day. I’m on CD 14, which is later than it has been (hopefully that means my cycle will be longer, last month it was only 23 days ). But honestly, idk when my O day actually is. How long after positive OPKs? Would my temp rise right away? I just can’t seem to figure it out...
I’m really hoping it’s today, because this morning has been the only time we’ve been able to BD this week. My partner has had a crazy work week and I’ve been so bummed.
Did you post your test in gallery?

3 years ago

vintage - I've previously used bbt and OPK to track ovulation (like over 25 cycles or so over a few years time) and many of the cycles I got the temp rise the day after +OPK, and sometimes I even got the +OPK the same day as my temp rise (usually digital OPK/monitor). So even though I'm not using BBT anymore due to sleep disturbance because of my fibro, I still count +OPK as O-day. But everyone is different when it comes to how long after a +OPK you actually ovulate and get the temp rise. Everything from within the same day to 3 days later after + OPK are normal, from what I've read. So some get the temp rise the day after +OPK and others can get it like 2-3 days after. It might take a while to recognize your own pattern. Sorry about your hubbys work schedule, I can totally relate to that and know how much it sucks!

Yeah, I posted in my gallery. This is from late last night right at the 5 min mark. I can without a doubt see a line, but need to see it get stronger before I can trust it's a real line and not some damn evap or something. Right now I'm waiting to test with smu since my fmu were pretty diluted.

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3 years ago

So ladies, I really need your eyes! Do you see anything on this pic? I uploaded it to my gallery as well. I had to dip one in water just to check for evaps, since I noticed that the strips had very prominent "lines" before dipped. But the one dipped in water were stark white thankfully. I saw that same faint line within the timeframe but this time it went a bit darker once dried. Right now I'm to scared to believe that this might be the start of my bfp, so my head is trying to tell me it's just a stupid evap..

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3 years ago

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