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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022
Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!
412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by informative)
Hey ladies!! It has been a long time!!
Excited for those of you who got your positives and anxiously optimistic for those of you in the tww!!
Hubby and I have decided to try for #2! Since I have PCOS we are using Clomid to help me ovulate. This is our first cycle with it and it looks like I did ovulate based on blood work. So now I am anxiously waiting!! I don’t know when I actually O’ed but hubby and I definitely got the fertile window several times. I am feeling pretty normal and not even really having any pms symptoms yet, but that is how it was with my son. It took us 20 months the first time around and using meds towards the end before we got pregnant with our son. I took a test yesterday with nothing and then this morning. The one this morning looks like there might be something but it could also be an evap as I didn’t see it right away. Going to wait till Monday or Tuesday to test again.
Good luck ladies!!
3 years ago
@shay. I totally see a line on your gallery. Do you know how many DPOs you are or when your period is due? Pray this is it for you.
AFM. Last night we had corn on the cob. The next day, the corn gets me loose (sorry tmi). But this morning, I was more constipated with the corn. So, that is a new one for me. No cramping, pinching or anything like that and cm is still lotiony with a stringy effect to it but not a lot of cm. I took a look at my symptoms with my last pregnancy and I dried up around this time. I did try to humour myself and took an expired strip; which was stark white but I am roughly 9-10dpo. I only have two FRERs and a few digitals. Holding off using my good ones until next week.
3 years ago
@shay. Thank you. Hope you get good news soon.
AFM. I'm almost starting to think that I may be out as I checked my cervix and it is quite low and slightly hard. Just unsure if it is open or closed; I seem to think it may be closed but I know nothing about my cervix as I don't like to check it when I was pregnant with my other three. Also having some slight cervix pain and a full feeling in my tummy near my belly button. Not much other than that.
3 years ago
Dragonfly: you may not be out. The day before my bfp my cervix was low and firm!It's still low and about medium as far as firmness goes and I'm gonna be 8 weeks on Monday. So that's definitely not a sign of whether you are pregnant. I wish you best of luck as you get closer to the day af is due!
3 years ago
Dragonfly: I always found CTP tracking way off after my first few cycles were really wonky due to coming off birth control. And anytime I had to manually mark O it wouldn't use those stats (kinda dumb). So it never adjusted my luteal properly and was always messed up. Go with the date that's further away to be on the safe side is what I always went with.
3 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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