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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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@southern. My best friend, she was two weeks behind me with my last pregnancy, then she miscarried, which broke both of our hearts and she tgen stopped talking to me. I gave her space to greive and then she messaged me stating she was pregnant again and had a baby boy a few weeks ago. On the other hand, I'm really anxious to test as it wasn't planned and so unexpected. I did some checking and not sure how it is possible, but my husbands dad and mom had four kids (girl, boy, boy, girl). We have girl, boy, boy. All seem to be around the same age. My husband is the third child and he was 6 months old when his mom got pregnant with his sister. My son will be 6 months on July 21. Is that a coincidence? Will update in the morning.

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3 years ago • Edited

Cd8 here....been cramping period style cramps today and yesterday...not quite sure what that’s all about! Month 29ttc #2’s been a long haul....*sigh*

3 years ago

@amystone- I'm sorry I understand stand ttc for a long period of time too well!

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

CD 13 and the OPK is almost positive. And of course my husband works, so a quickie is all we have time for. It seems like recently he always works when I ovulate. Thank goodness he has almost the entire summer off (vacation). So if I doesn't get pregnant until then, which I highly doubt, then at least we'll have better changes during summer.

3 years ago

@pandorica - glad you found us..
Dang girl I really feel ya on that. I felt the same way with my hubby. Everytime we should BD I felt like he would stay out late or have an excuse for not wanting to. Its exhausting. Im excited you hubby will be home this summer for you, but hopefully you won't have to wait that long..

AFM- 12 dpo. I haven't had any symptoms like I usually do. Yesterday I woke up and my temp dropped definitely thought I was out. But rose back up again. Just concerned its not high enough. I guess I just have to wait and see. Really praying for a BFP this month. Hubby and I have been TTC for 3 years. Off and on but more on then off. Ugh. I really don't want to go to the doctor.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

I went for blood tests last feb, all came back normal, oh only got around to doing his Friday just gone....obviously the pandemic has not helped matters and the lockdown restrictions we have had here in the U.K...but he has done it finally....he needs to speak to the dr on Monday about his results....we’ve discussed this on numerous occasions as I think there has been some change to his “flow” he was I hospital a year and a bit ago an my gut tells me this has got something to do with it all...not sure what/how we will move forward on things if the dr says the worst...we have one child together already and am extremely grateful, proud that we have but yearn for a brother/sister to complete our family...we will just have to see....conscious we are not getting any younger too!

3 years ago

@ amysyone- well I'm glad your good. Hopefully your hubby gets good results too. I understand wanting to complete your family. I feel like every child should have a sibling but thats just me. If it doesn't happen for us yes I will be sad but extreamly greatful for my kiddo.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

With teaching and my oldest turning 13 Friday we have been super busy and I haven’t been on. Just realized we have the new group. This is the second month TTC for 3rd but first month he is home for whole fertile window! Got my peak for ovulation today! We dtd last night and then will the next 3 days. Hope that will be enough lol good luck and baby dust to everyone!


3 years ago

@Miam - Yeah, it sure sucks. If he worked regular hours like me, then it wouldn't be a problem. But since he works night shifts 1½ hour drive away, well it's impossible to bd.

3 years ago

Welcome back -kkmom2

@pandorica yeah that plain sucks! I'm sorry

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

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