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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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@hberry. I pray this is it for you. Looking forward to an update in thenext little while.

@southern. How have you been feeling? Will you find out the gender of your baby.

AFM. Ovulation is around the corner and hubby isn't ready for another little one till my body has time to adjust; which in the long one, I'm okay with it as my I wouldn't have any coverage with my employment insurance and wanting to be in a better place by then. So, I'm here cheering you lovely ladies on and praying you get your BFPs. My dreams of being pregnant has skyrocketed and it's driving me bonkers to say the least. Good luck everyone and baby dust/sticky vibes.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: morning sickness is starting to creep in (all day lol). I'm hoping it's not too bad this go around. Last time it lasted all 9 months. I'll find out the sex of the baby at the 20 week anatomy scan. Or if the doc does the blood genetic testing that can show the sex we'll find out whenever that comes in. First thing I want is an ultrasound to make sure all is well. And to verify the number of babies. I have this nagging feeling the doc needs to check for twins. I may be off/wrong but just in case I gotta know!

3 years ago

@southern. Is your ultrasound date been booked yet? That would be amazing if there is more than one baby. Does twins run in your/his family? Keep us updated.

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3 years ago

Well to add to the list of symptoms, I've been tasting blood in my mouth since last night so I can add bleeding gums to my list. I'm 10 dpo today. I still feel super exhausted- like I haven't slept. Still waking up with a strong metallic taste in my mouth as well.

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3 years ago

Hey ladies! I am TTC baby 3. We don’t have an issue conceiving we have an issue getting sticky babies. 13 pregnancies and 2 children. We adore them and thought the sooner we started trying for our next one the sooner we could get through the inevitable heartbreak to get our rainbow! Happy to be here with and for y’all!

3 years ago

Dragonfly: so the way the places work with the military is you have your registration appointment with the nurse between 6 and 8 weeks. Then between 10 and 12 weeks you get your first physical and ultrasound. That's obviously as long as you have no history of miscarriage or high risk issues. And since I don't I have to wait. And they won't book the appointment until the registration appointment. Mine is scheduled for July 23rd. It's the earliest the had available. It's killing me to wait. I could go to an out of pocket place but since we just moved I don't particularly want to do that. As far as twins, on my mom's side, there are a couple relatives that are fraternal twins. So I guess it runs in the family?

3 years ago

@dragonfly those pregnancy dreams! I feel for you, been driving me up the wall lately too...being pregnant again is constantly on my mind. I hope your body heals well and you're able to try again soon when the time is right on all fronts for you and your family

@hberry hope those symptoms prove positive for you. Im really hopeful for you this cycle. Do you plan to test soon?

@ashlynsmith welcome! So happy to be following your journey!

@southernmama I hope the sickness eases up for you soon. It can be so brutal. I hope the wait for the ultrasound goes quickly and sending vibes for multiples! Oh my gosh that would be exciting!

3 years ago

Melerin - I plan to wait until I'm a week late- I have never gotten a positive before that.
I'm 11 dpo today. Feeling some pinching. That's about it though.

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3 years ago • Edited

I did clomid cd 3-7 this cycle. Went in yesterday for a Follicle check. 2 Follicles on my right ovary at 21 mm. I was close to a positive ovulation test yesterday and got a blazing positive last night. I could not get my trigger yesterday evening and the clinic would not answer. Not one pharmacy in the area had it on hand. So change of plans to Natural IUI at 11 am tomorrow which is about 36 hrs after my first positive opk. Hopefully both eggs will ovulate on their own and hopefully the timing is OK.


3 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA for the last 2 weeks the morning sickness is brutal. Blahhh. Anyways I see a lot of new ladies on here. Welcome!!!

I have been reading up it seems like this thread might be going in the right direction. Yay!!!

Pandorica-fingers crossed for you girly

Southernmama- girl I feel ya the sickness is no joke!. How was it with dinsey and being pregnant.? Are you moved into your home yet?

Millbarnett- I am putting positive thoughts you way

Hberry- I hope this is your month!

I know I am missing a few other things but know I'm thinking of all of you.

AFM- Just shy of 9weeks. I had my first appointment yesterday. The tech said everything looks great ( knock on wood) heart beat is strong. Only looks like there is one in there. I have to go in about once a month. You know cause 38 it's a geriatric pregnancy of well I'm all for piece of mind.
We took my 4 year old with us yesterday to see the baby. We didn't want to tell him until the scan. He was kinda confused. We asked him oh do you want a baby brother or sister? In which he replies.. No thanks I think I'm good.

Here's a little scan of our little. Im still super nervous but yet so excited

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Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

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