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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Thank you. Yeah, I remember. Even though it's been a few months since I temped last time I have done it for so long that's one thing I clearly remember.

Sounds good with TTC babies for 2022.

3 years ago

Pandorica: darn, so sorry af got you.

Afm: 5dpo (ish). Nothing to really say besides that. I'm not too hopeful considering how stressful things were this month. All my tests are in one of our suitcases and I'd have to dig them out so it'll make it hard for me to test early. Probably for the best. I'll know in about 9 or 10 days I suppose.

3 years ago

Cd2 for me. Every time I hit 3 days late AF shows.

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3 years ago • Edited

My charts finally gave me an O day- though Ava gave me one day and Fertility Friend says it was the day after that. I’m going with Ava, though, based on my OPKs. Still weird temps this month, and not feeling optimistic. Just looking forward to AF starting on Friday so I can get it over with. Bloated, my back hurts, sore boobs…. Just want it over already.

3 years ago

Vintage: I hope af stays away and you get two lines! But, if not I'm sorry!

Hberry: I think your luteal may be longer than your app or whatever you use is telling you. That may be why you're getting to 3 days past the predicted starting date and then starting. Especially if it's consistently happening.

Afm: 6 dpo today. Not really paying attention to more than that. Just playing video games and counting down to our trip to Disney and Universal Studios!

3 years ago • Edited

My new lucky charms arrived today, two necklace pendants displaying the fertility god and goddess in norse mythology - frey and freya. Or Frej and Freja as they're spelled here. I figured it can't hurt, you know. Currently cd 4 and I'm waiting for af to be over so that I can start temp.

3 years ago

9 dpo for me today. Despite not wanting to symptom spot it's hard to ignore my boobs being sore. I thought about testing for a brief moment this morning. Decided I should wait since it's still early and since I don't have a first response and only have less sensitive ones.

3 years ago

Hello girls, I had a scan yesterday at 5w5d and everything looked fine... except that we saw what seemed 2 sacs??? One was visible and had a nice little tiny nugget inside, the other was behind and she could not tell whether it was another baby or not. She said it could also be a gland...
I don't no what to think and I'll have to wait until the 5. of july for the next ultrasound. In the meantime I am freaking out, as I had 2 miscarriages (the last in january) I am so scared cause I feel no symptoms
Anyway, I ihope you are all feeling good and hope to see some other BFP soon

3 years ago

Lalara- im sorry love.. just stay as positive and don't stress if you can help it. Fingers crossed for you!!

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies. So, my husband and I have been using the pull out method and I know that my cycles are not back to normal. My husband and I DTD on June 10 & 13; and my app says I was to ovulate on CD15 (June 10). I didn't have any ewcm or any signs of ovulation pains. On CD20 (June 15), I had tons of ewcm and horrible ovulation pains. Today (June 17), I had diarrhea all day and wasn't feeling like myself.
I don't really have any symptoms except a knot near my belly button and near my right hip. I did notice a bit of under the armpit pain like the last time and some minor aches and cramps. My period should be here on June 24. I know using the pull out method is that there is a very slim chance that I conceived this cycle. But what are the chances of sperm getting inside if it was just on my pubic hairs? Last month, I had cramping on cycle day 23 & 24, with my period coming the next day. This cycle, tomorrow I will be on cycle day 23 and already starting to feel cramps. Cervix is high, soft and open. Thoughts??

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3 years ago • Edited

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