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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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The spotting seems to have slowed down (it was brown, not red), but I'm waiting for the doctor to call back with difinitive answers on what to do and to see if I can be seen today or tomorrow. I'll keep you all posted.

3 years ago • Edited

Punk: Brown spotting is very normal in early pregnancy for a lot of women! The fact it wasn't red is a GOOD sign. I'm holding onto hope for you hon.

3 years ago

Still waiting and after a BM, it picked up again and I got a small clot. It's dark brown, but I can't tell if there's red I'm it or not. I'll probably post a photo on my profile.

3 years ago

Punk: praying for you during this time. Sending hugs and hope that you're able to see a doctor asap.

Dragonfly: I hope you get your little girl. It would be really nice if it works out for you! I have no idea what I am hoping for. I have a little girl and would love another but I'd also love a boy since we don't have one.

Hberry: How are you today hun?

3 years ago

Merelinn- I'm so exhausted I actually fell asleep this afternoon watching tv. Im also peeing a lot. The boobs are sore and sensitive. Been craving sweets and ice cream today. So I've been eating my Sticky lollies. Im only 10 dpo so I got awhile yet before I test

3 years ago

I ended up taking myself to urgent care to get checked out. They were going to do a pelvic exam, but blood went everywhere. They're doing bloodwork to confirm, but seems like a miscarriage again.

I feel like such a failure.

3 years ago

@melerinn. Thank you. I hope you get your boy and have one of each. You will know soon enough.

@hberry. All those symptoms sound so promising. I hope you get your BFP when it comes time to take the test.

@punk. I'm truely sorry girl. Please know that you are not a failure. You will het your rainbow baby.

AFM. Still have been having more of the ewcm and this morning, I had a glob (sorry, tmi) after my morning pee and I thought it had a brownish red tinge to it. Then throughout the day just the standard ewcm. Also, had some crazy dreams; but dreams are just dreams and may not have a meaning to them.

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3 years ago

Punk - I am truly sorry this has happened. You aren't a failure.
Dragon - Thanks girl, Im trying not to read into it and get my hopes up. Hopefully you get a bfp soon!
Merelinn- well if you crave nothing but chocolate, you are having a boy.. Every single one of my boys I craved chocolate. I have 3 boys.

3 years ago • Edited

@hberry. I hear you when you don't want to read into it as I thought for sure I was pregnant last month then got shut down with AF showing four days early. I craved ice cream with my girl, pickles with my boy and orange juice with my last pregnancy. When is AF due for you?

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3 years ago

Im out. AF reared her face. Hopefully I'll get a May baby.. CTP was spot on for the O day and saying AF was due to show today.

3 years ago • Edited

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