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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Pandorica, I see it too! I really hope it’s the start of your BFP and we have two this month!!

3 years ago

Pandorica- I see it too. it progresses

How are you doing ladies? Hope you all have a great baby making weekend

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Thank you ladies, it feels good to know I'm not the only one seeing it! Hopefully it'll continue to get darker from now on.

3 years ago

So my app says I should O tomorrow. I have no idea because I haven't been using OPKs. I might take one in a bit for curiosity's sake. We did Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Then I thought I might be getting close so we did last night and will tonight. More than anything I wanted to last night as more of a stress reliever after a long day lol! Talk about clearing your brain! Anywho, here's hoping that despite the stress this is the month!

3 years ago

Well I'm pretty sure I'm out. Not even sure anymore that yesterday's line were a real one. I tested today both with fmu and when I got home from work. Still nothing more than a squinter.. I'll keep testing, but I'm not expecting a line to suddenly appear at this point.

3 years ago

Pandorica: aww I'm sorry. Did you get a photo of the one today? Maybe it's just not been long enough? I dunno. I don't blame you for not wanting to hope.

Afm, I took that opk yesterday and it was def positive. Only trouble is I don't know if it was just turning positive or if the surge was fading lol! But I've definitely had PLENTY of ewcm lol! A couple times it's seemed like we'd already bd with so much there! But it def wasn't leftover. Just gotta hope Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was enough cause I'm too exhausted from having the movers here again today to do anything. We'll do it one more time tomorrow just to cover the bases I think.

3 years ago

@Southern -the only thing you can fo now is relax. If you Baby danced those days with ewcm thats still good. Your in your fertile window if you ovulate today or even yesterday .

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam: I think it was yesterday. My cm is beginning to change and I can tell my cervix is starting to close. So glad I monitor those and can tell. So I'm thinking I'm 1 dpo and in my tww officially. I'll know for sure by the time we are headed to Orlando to go to Disney and universal studios!

3 years ago

Bought another brand today at the pharmacy to test with. For me, this confirms that I'm out. I've started having my usual af-feeling. So I'm counting on af to arrive within a day or two. I have one IC left and I'll use it tomorrow just to be sure.

user submitted image

3 years ago

I’m sorry, Pandorica. It’s so not fair after getting multiple faint lines. :(
Southern, fingers crossed!
Miam, how are you doing?
I’m having the strangest temps this month- I’m wondering if it’s an anovulatory cycle? I missed tracking a night with Ava (couldn’t get four consistent hours of sleep), the day after what I assumed O day was. Then one day of a slight temp rise, then a drop pretty close to O day temp, wheeze it’s stayed for two days. That’s the only thing I can think of. Oh well, I didn’t have much hope for this cycle anyway. Maybe next month will do it?

3 years ago

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