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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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@dragonfly I think that is what happen. I’m still waiting for answers. I hear sids here and sids there so I looked it up and many of the criteria of sids my baby met it’s so devastating knowing that I will no longer hold and kiss him

3 years ago

Lovelymine: I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope you are getting the support you need. Sending many hugs and prayers your way.

How is everyone doing? Goodluck to all in their tww

3 years ago

It's cd18 for me and 1dpo. Already feeling sharp cramps and bloating. Yikes it's super painful. Can't remember the last time I felt this much pain right after Ovulation

3 years ago

Ovulation is right around the corner for me, cd 15 at the moment. Got news yesterday that my younger brother and his girlfriend of many years are expecting their first, so I'm going to be an aunt next spring. I'm actually so darn excited! Sure, it sucks that we haven't been able to conceive during these few years, but I'm still super excited to finally be an aunt. It would be so much fun if we conceived this cycle and got to be pregnant together, but if we don't it's not the end of the world for me. Today is also my sons 8th birthday, which we celebrate just the three of us since he caught a slight cold.

3 years ago • Edited

Hi all,

11 dpo today and I was tired enough to take a nap, but I've been eating a ton of cherries and those have natural melatonin, so...

Anyway, took a test today and still negative. AF is probably around the corner. Not sure I know when to give up. 37 and rounding out closer to 38 and it's not like my chances are getting any better. Just feeling down. Hope everyone is doing ok.

3 years ago

Sorry punk. I hope you get a bfp and am able to have a baby.
Afm Im 9dpo today and AF is due to show in a few days. This morning I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose almost like a cold. Read it could be a sign but I'm not holding my breath.

3 years ago

Punkrawkmama- I am so sorry for everything you have been going through. I totally get that you feel your window is closing, but hang in there. I was 37 turning 38 a week before my 38th I found out I was prego. It took me 3 1/2 years to get pregnant with this little bundle. As long as the doctors say everything is ok don't give up hope. I know easier said than done positive thoughts going your way.

Ladies... what would be your estimated due date. Do I need to change the months on this forum?

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam: how are you doing? How many weeks are you now? I've lost track lol! 14 weeks and the start of the 2nd trimester for me today!

3 years ago

Cd 2 for me... Yay *eye roll* I'd be due June 8th if concieved

3 years ago • Edited

How's everyone doing?
I'm currently in a bit of limbo at the moment. I always ovulate between cd 14-16 (often cd 16), which means I should have gotten my period 4-5 days ago. Currently 19 dpo and so far only a squinter. Started having slight spotting after sex two days ago and the spotting has increased. No real bleeding yet, but feeling fairly sure it will start pretty soon. Guess this might have been a wacky cycle and I ovulated later than I thought, despite getting what I thought were ov bleeding cd 16. Have no tests left besides a digital and if I haven't started bleeding tomorrow I think I'll use it (haven't tested today). Just want to get an answer.

3 years ago

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