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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Melerinn: thanks! As fast as the nausea went from 0 to as bad as it was with my daughter I hope it's cause there's twins in there lol!

Miam: girl.... Did ey was great! Morning sickness stayed away and I got to enjoy it! But then it hit me about the same point it hit with my daughter (5+4). With my first it was gradual and there was lots that helped ease it. This time it just hit with nausea and hasn't let up. Nothing I do seems to help. And as for the We may not have housing for like a month after our arrival, so early August. It sucks really bad. Also, I'm super jealous of your scan! They won't book me for one tilbi do the registration/intake appt with the nurse which won't be til I'm nearly 9 weeks. Then the appt won't be til I'm 10-12 weeks! The anticipation is killing me!

Pandorica: that one is a lot clearer than others have been! I'm rooting for you girl! I wish you had access to the first response tests. They would probably be super obvious. I hate the cheap internet ones. They never show as dark as the better ones.

Hberry: don't you usually get af by now? If so I think that's kinda promising!

3 years ago

Southern- usually on cd 28 she shows.. Im on cd 26... Im hoping she doesnt. I am peeing a lot today and have a ton of nausea om top of the tender under arms and pinching.

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3 years ago

Hberry: does it feel a bit like you have a UTI? It did for me. That's why I'm asking. I definitely hope you don't get af! Good luck!

3 years ago

Southern - it doesn't feel like an UTI at all. It feels like AF is gearing up to show her ugly face. I have that bubble like feeling and that happens right before AF shows. I also had it with my older 2 boys so idk what to think anymore.

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3 years ago

Hberry: I thought af was gonna show because my cm had changed to what it usually was before af. So I guess that goes to show that nothing is "typical" and you can't use symptoms as a sign afterall lol!

3 years ago

Looks like this might be just another chemical... I tested with a 4 hour hold with no diluted urine and the tests (4 different types, 3 different brands) are pretty negative. Well, the strip I've been using still have a line but much more faint than before. Damn! And I really had my hopes up this time, which probably explains why this hit so hard. I really want another child, but at times like this I question if it's really meant for us to have another one.. I have my digital left, I didn't want to use that since all tests were negative. If by some chance "af" doesn't show, I'll probably use it. But that doesn't feel too likely.

3 years ago

Pandorica- what dpo are you... for me I could barely see the positive on my first morning urine but my second pee was always stronger.

Good luck.

Praying for baby number 3!

3 years ago • Post starter

Miam - 13 dpo, so expecting af any day now. The tests I took today were with second morning, since my first morning are much more diluted. Just gonna wait until af shows up.

3 years ago

Pandorica, I’m so sorry. I was rooting for you over here.
Miam and Southern, I’m glad things are going well (despite the sickness)!
ATM I think I’m 8dpo. According to fertility friend and ava, I seem to be ovulating 2-3 days after my peak OPK, which seems weird to me. But it’s not impossible, and with both of them giving me that data, I’m thinking it’s accurate. Which might explain why it’s taking so long. I have very little hope for this month due to timing, but I am trying to track how I’m feeling so I have a better idea of what is normal for me. Today I’m cranky AF and I had some pretty intense cramping this afternoon (actually thought AF could be starting even though not due until Sunday). Maybe this info will help next month?

3 years ago

Heartburn has kicked in yesterday and hasn't let up. Im 12dpo today and according to ctp 1 day late.. It's cd27. Hoping AF stays away for good.
Pandorica I'm so sorry :(

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3 years ago • Edited

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