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Just starting TWW

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For those that are just starting the tww. Join me. Post your dpo and symptoms. If someone gets a bfp at the end, we can all see the NEW tell tale symptom, if any.
As of today, 1 dpo. Sore boobs..which is typical pms for me.

847 Replies • 4 years ago



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Morning ladies! My sister's friend just gave birth to her daughter early yesterday (she was only 32 weeks when she went into labor). My sister's other friend finds out Thursday what she's having. My classmate just had her girl 2 weeks ago. Another classmate had her boy 1 month ago. Seeing all these posts about having babies or giving birth really is bumming me out.
I'm gonna have to make sure my hubby and I bed down more this week.

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4 years ago

Bb- I use preseed and I feel like it helps.
Amy- I feel you on wishing I could be as laid back as my husband! I hope you are wrong about AF coming on, but I also know that when I feel that way- she had always made her appearance. We get teased by the symptoms- but once we get that - know it’s coming- feeling, I think we just know our bodies and have that intuition... still crossing my fingers that you have a surprise on the way!
Hberry- I’m right there with you with all these pregnancy and baby announcements. They’ve hit me hard with 2 miscarriages since December. I feel so broken and hopeless each time, but then hope returns. I’ve done it before and can do it again. And I know it will happen for you, too!

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4 years ago

Thanks Kahlan! I feel like I'm alone on this journey because everyone else is a step or 2 ahead and I feel like I'm the one who is behind. I also feel horrible because my daughter is the only girl and I feel like she could use a sister. TBH I'm also feeling left out and wanting another girl. My daughter changed my life after what I went through with my exhusband. ( had her after I was divorced) She was also the first grandchild born after my dad had passed from cancer in 2015. She ( Raine is her name) is so much like my dad and it's another reason I would like another little girl.

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4 years ago • Edited

And I am definitely crazy today...I must have gone up to check my test from this morning about 20 times...”just in case” I missed something staring at a very negative test willing a second squinted to magically appear...send help lolol

4 years ago

All you ladies are making me cry.
Please Lord, grant everyone a BFP soon and very soon!

4 years ago • Post starter

Hey Amy, Been there...with the check, recheck, check again in case something shows...500 days later check again!.
Uggh..that's why this time, i just wanna wait for AF.

4 years ago • Post starter

Lady I think the only way I will be able to do that is if I keep busy....hence not being at home 24/7 during lockdown or giving them to my oh...Maybe I try that next month if I am out this month...
Feeling a bit more zen about the whole situation....been on a massive walk with oh and son today, we are lucky enough to have a big woods walking distance by our house and just got there in time for all of the blue bells....lovely! Also been reading up about dry/little cm at this point as today I seem to have gone from one extreme to the other...currently like the Sahara and it seems that there have been a lot of women who have still got a bfp... so close yet so far!

4 years ago

Goodmorning ladies!! Sorry for all the late currently at work. But so far AF hasnt showed up. She usually comes around my lunch time. 130ish so im keeping my fingers crossed she doesnt show up. Ahh the anticipation!! Re too a test and still a BFN

Amy & lady- omg...i kept running in to recheck my test this morning too. The anticipation keeps killing me. When is AF due for you gals??

HBerry- dont get yourself down my friend. We are all here for you. Everyones journey is different, so dont feel like you are ahead or behind anyone. This is YOUR journey =]

4 years ago

Mel. I am on cd 4 today...about 7-9 days before I ovulate..

4 years ago • Post starter

Girl, at this now until after O, if hubby is up to it. Lol

4 years ago • Post starter

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