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Going for July BFP - Join Me!

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Hi Ladies -

Ms. AF just tracked me down and I'm out for the month of June. Now I'm CD 2 in my 6th TTC cycle. Starting soy isoflavones tomorrow (CD 3-5) for the first time. Fingers crossed for July BFP. Who is with me? What is your story?

Let's see how many BFPs we can get in this group for July!

351 Replies • 12 years ago



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I also Hope to get a BFP in July. My husband and I have been TTC for 12 months. I am taking my daily dose of prenatal vitamin every morning. We have been using pre seed. Once I am done with my period we do the BD every other day. I do ovulate every month but my period varies between 25/17/28 and 30 days. I never thought it would take us that long to get pregnant. We live a healthy lifestyle, go to the gym, eat healthy. We are not overweight have no medical problems. I have not been on the pill since October 2007, never really liked the idea if pumping my body with chemicals. All I want is to get pregnant and have a healthy baby, I do not care if it is born in March or August as long as it is healthy.
Thanks for listening. Let's hope we all get a BFP in July:)

12 years ago

I did some reviewing of my cycles the last 10 months. My suspected ovulation date based on my CM and cycle length is btwn cd13 and cd17, with ave being on cd15. Some months we didn't bd at the right time and others we bd'ed like 2 days before and then on a day when I had ewcm. Last night began our plan to bd every other night then every night for 3 days when my opk comes back positive or I see ewcm. I'd like to also try to bd at different times during the day.

12 years ago

pbc..thats exactly my plan..well thats according to the sperm meet egg plan. I've been doing the deed every other day so far and I started doing the OPKs yesterday. I bought pre-seed this month as well. My husband is also taking pre-natal type fertility aids given by his doc and i'm taking my pre-natals.its hard for us to do it different times of day though because of our schedules. :-/

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12 years ago

angeluv - what kind of pill did the doc recommend? I asked my husband if he would try it and he said yes.

I just read the Impatient Women's Guide to Getting Pregnant. Now I must say it was the only ttc book I've read, but I enjoyed it and it helped put everything else I've read online in perspective. It is an easy read and I did laugh many times while reading.

12 years ago

I"m reading the impatient guide too. I really like it. Its quick to the point information.

My husband is taking a pill called "Conception XR Motility Support" It's supposed to increase sperm production and motility and make stronger sperm. I"ve read good things about it. My husband got free samples from the doc but its a pretty expensive medicine ($70-$85 a month) and takes about 3 months to work.
I think its similar to Fertil-aid for men which is a lot cheaper. or you can buy a fertility blend at GNC or I've even read you can buy the same vitamins in Conception Rx separately and it will do the same thing. Right now my husband going through the freebees but I haven't decided what we're going to do after that.

BUT my friend was having some serious reproductive issues for years and her husband took a cocktail of vitamins and his numbers went up and she swore it helped her get pregnant and now she has a healthy 1 year old. So it can't hurt

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12 years ago

Thanks for the info! Yeah, I know my husband won't pay a lot for something like that especially since we don't know what his sperm are like. I am having a hard time trying to get him to see a regular doc for a routine checkup, I don't think he will go to a urologist unless he HAS to, which will be the year ttc mark. Half of me thinks he has 3 other kids, must be working ok, but then I look at the fact his youngest is 8, so who knows, right? But I think I can talk him into something a little more low key. Heck even a simple men's one a day would work for me at this point!

Then again, maybe nothing is wrong with either of us, but you start thinking that after a while. Then I think that we haven't being trying 110% these long months...jeez what would happen if we had?

12 years ago

Ha, pbc, your hubby sounds a lot like mine. I still can't get him to go for a regular check up, and couldn't drag him to see the fertility specialist. I only managed to get him to do the semen analysis by setting it all up myself. He won't admit to it (says he's always too busy), but he seems to have a serious phobia of doctors. He is ok about taking pills...if I get him the pills and a glass of water.

I'm going to buy the impatient womans guide and some fertilaid for both of us - thanks for the ideas girls!

I've started spotting, which usually means that AF is on her way, but my bbs are still very sore but not swollen - which is different for me. 4 more days til I test...

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12 years ago

Still haven't had a temperature shift prob tomorrow if that's the case then I ovulated later then anticipated and hubby and I last bd'ed 2 days ago so I'm not sure this is our month ovulation is being a pain this month literally I have had ov pain for 3 days along with mild cramping. So I'm so confused about all this...

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12 years ago

i guess luckily or unlikley my husband is a bit of a hypocondriac..when we didn't get pregnant right away he immediately starting worrying something was wrong and wanted to get tested. I convinced him to hold off until now and he just did his semen analysis last week and we are getting the results either friday or monday and hopefully everything is okay.

but i feel the same i haven't been trying 110% until this month so I feel like maybe thats why i haven't gotten pregnant?

i'm just in the other "waiting" period now..waiting to ovulate. started doing OPKs two days ago but its still too early to be positive. just really hoping july is it for me!

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12 years ago

Serenity...what does your ovulation pain feel like? I've never noticed any when I ovulate.

Yep, i am waiting to ovulate too...cd10, my opk test lines keep getting more pronounced. Hurry up and get here!

12 years ago

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