What women are saying

4 days past ovulation

Metal_Yuri  9 months ago
So exhausted!! passed out two times today, breast mildly sore & noticeable & hot. Constipated & some cravings. Dull pressure ache in uterus.


KClive  10 months ago
Fatigue and right side dull cramping/pulling


BennettFamilyTTC  1 year ago
Very tired, strong cramping and back pain in the evening. I keep feeling a bit strange, as in some mild dizziness/hot flashes.




Mumma_of_2  1 year ago
Dull cramping and lightning crotch!


Mshay179  1 year ago
Pulling, pinching feel inside and some dull cramps


Supamomma4165  1 year ago
Ovary pain, cramping and pressure in lower stomach. Backache and tired.


MsChop1026  1 year ago
Some pressure in uterus. Sore breasts. Nose bleed.


Lauren123456789  2 years ago
I have sore boobs, pulling feeling in abdomen, tired and watery weepy eyes.


ashley_mom2011  2 years ago
I ate dinner, but still not into food. Constant nausea. Tingling nipples. 4dpo.


ashley_mom2011  2 years ago
No sore breasts, but my lower abdomen feel pressure and heavy. Feeling out though. :-( maybe next month.


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