What women are saying

11 days past ovulation

thatkiahgirl  5 months ago
Took a hpt yesterday at 3pm. Immediately 2 lines. Today extremely tired.


Gypsii_Grrl  11 months ago
Sore breasts, feeling pregnant, had spotting today, (my cycle is not standard 28 days- more like 30-35 days), TIRED! Napped from 1230-1500


Libbyyy  1 year ago
Currently 5w+2. Going back and logging a few symptoms in case it’s helpful to others. Spotting.




Kayla33  1 year ago
Tender boobs and sore nipples for the last two days but negative tests on 10dpo :( wanna be positive but I'm not hopeful xx


newfiechic  1 year ago
Insomnia, increased urination, nausea/lack of appetite, fatigue. 3 brands of tests today. Wondfo, EasyHome, and Dollarama and all shadows.


Ladychey123  2 years ago
11dpo: stabbing pain with my breasts, cramps, backaches. BFN today.. waiting for 4/30/22 to take next one.


Tasmin13  2 years ago
Got a faint BFP yesterday, metallic taste in my mouth, a little nauseous, itchy nipples, mild cramping and back ache


Catson  3 years ago
Sore boobs and nipples. Feels achy without touching them. If they get bumped it hurts! Last 8 days!


ZzyzxBehgas  3 years ago
11 dpo sore stabbing boobs, stabbing pelvic pain, sweating like crazy bfn. If I’m not pregnant than I’m dying ????


XTyna90  3 years ago
Tender breasts, cramps. BFP


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