What women are saying

11 days past ovulation

Page 3

Nikkiknit  4 years ago
Sore bobs (getting worse), lots of mild cramps and cm, fingers crossed


AGamersWife  4 years ago
Tenders boobs, a little tired. But maybe that's my sleep schedule. Praying for a bfp in 3 days if af doesn't show


Anesakim  4 years ago
11dpo horrible cramping alot of gas




AGamersWife  4 years ago
Feeling like bubbles in my abdomen. Spottin last two days gonna test in a week


TheKatie  4 years ago
Frequent urination, tender breasts, good mood, acne breakouts, lightheaded, tired, ovary pain.


member_314230  4 years ago
Forgot to note I’ve been super light headed lately


member_314230  4 years ago
DRY MOUTH, weird taste. Yuck. Can’t seem to drink enough.


member_314230  4 years ago
Still cramping every day since O. Exhausted, hip/lower back pains, nips slightly more sensitive, occasional pain in right side if related?


Muna-ali66  4 years ago
Hot flashes, creamy CM, Mild cramps, sore breasts and tingley feeling in the stomach.


Strath_lass  4 years ago
Headache, sore boobs, so hungry all the time and cramps but not as harsh as AF


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