What women are saying

12 days past ovulation

Metal_Yuri  5 months ago
Boobs hurt a little. Craving chocolate and fish


Metal_Yuri  5 months ago
SO HUNGRY, acid reflux, sleepy


Libbyyy  1 year ago
Currently 5w+2. Going back and logging a few symptoms in case it’s helpful to others. Spotting.




Nikahagreer18  1 year ago
My nipples are really sore and it seem to only get worse as the days go by I’ve had sore nipple before but only this bad in pregnancy


Nikahagreer18  1 year ago
I’m also stuck to my stomach every night during the day I’m fine but at night my stomach is turning like I’m about to throw up


Nikahagreer18  1 year ago
I feel exhausted and that’s sometimes normal before I start but this just seems like I only have 2 hours worth of energy before I’m tired


Ladychey123  2 years ago
12dpo: slight headache, increased appetite, stabbing pain in my breasts, pulling on the left side of my abdomen


Tasmin13  2 years ago
Another Bfp, mild cramping, back ache, achey hips, sore boobs


Jessiebelle401  3 years ago
Feeling tired, CM, pinching on the left side, tested negative at 12DPO ????


Jenny6661  3 years ago
I’m backed up, bbs tender, bloated


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