What women are saying

18 days past ovulation

MommyP  4 years ago
So I am concerned. Today was heavier w some small clots. Very tender breast, nauseous, tired and cramping . Yesterday pregnancy test negativ


MommyP  4 years ago
My last cycle was the 27 of April I began spotting May 17-19. It stopped and has come and gone the last two weeks. Usually don’t spot.


Sophie1904  4 years ago
Actually 19dpo but cramping like my periods about to ask but hasn't.




Tasmin13  4 years ago
Pregnant and having mild cramping and back ache, frequent urination feeling dizzy...baby no3


Tasmin13  4 years ago
20dpo had spotting thought it was af coming late then it stopped but got a BFP just before I picked my 5 year old up from school


Ssmith60  4 years ago
I am 19 dpo I had what I thought was IB on 6 dpo but still BFN. So frustrated, I just want to know what is going on.


annonymousisbest  4 years ago
literally had every "positive" sign, didn't think to test until 19dpo. I am now 5w4d pregnant!


member_313250  4 years ago
Tender breast, backache, tender nipples ,


AGamersWife  4 years ago
technicially 19dpo but i'm so happy I received my bfp


katiezappia  6 years ago
11 days late, so tired, areola's appear larger, nipples fuller, always hungry, nausea some vomiting..negative as of 4 days ago


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