What women are saying

10 days past ovulation

RonniBonni28  9 weeks ago
Pulling pain right side. Boobs are sensitive that I notice something is weird but not trying to watch symptoms at all. So who knows


Metal_Yuri  5 months ago
Dreams, hunger, arousal, tired, darker bfp fmu


KClive  8 months ago
Bubble feeling in lower abdomen, fatigue. BFP this morning




KClive  9 months ago
Loose stool, lingering nausea


Gypsii_Grrl  11 months ago
Napped from 1545 to 1730, no energy, achy boobs, feel pregnant, pinching feeling on right side ovary area. Lots of creamy cervical mucus


Libbyyy  1 year ago
Currently 5w+2. Going back and logging a few symptoms in case it’s helpful to others. Spotting.


sanniepie_80  1 year ago
took test at 10 dpo (+) because Ive been having cramps and pain going up to lower abdomen from cervix. back aching still metallic taste


Ladychey123  2 years ago
Breasts are killing me, I got a metallic taste in my mouth, I’m very nauseous and tired. Still having low cramps and little to no spotting.


Tasmin13  2 years ago
I got a what looks like a faint BFP, watery yellow cm, mild cramping, back ache and bigger boobs


Catheline  3 years ago
So freaking scared to take a pregnancy test I keep having miscarriages im at 10 dpo I don't know how I feel this month im a mess!!!


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