What women are saying

3 days past ovulation

Mumma_of_2  1 year ago
Sensitive nipples & gassy


Mumma_of_2  1 year ago
Nausea earlier this morning, sensitive nipples, increased creamy sticky cervical mucus.


sanniepie_80  1 year ago
Im 18 dpo today and still have that metallic taste in mouth that comes and go- I got my first faint positive @ 10 dpo




sanniepie_80  1 year ago
Metallic taste in my mouth all day!


MsChop1026  1 year ago
Boobs hurt and feel heavier than usual. I woke up at 8, made breakfast and went and slept for 6 hours. I'm exhausted.


MizCarter21  3 years ago
Tired, crampy, boobs hurt - all from progestrone


ZzyzxBehgas  3 years ago
Soooo sleepy, Bob hurts and pelvic pulling


Em1895  3 years ago
Nipples hurt like they did with my first pregnancy. Woke up with diarrhea, think my UC is acting up. No cm when I check, but feels like it.


MrsWilson9  3 years ago


dec9191  4 years ago


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