What women are saying

15 days past ovulation

Tasmin13  2 years ago
AF due today but got a bfp instead. Mild cramping.


colleenalyce  2 years ago
Super faint bfp 10dpo and steady getting darker. Got a pregnant on a clear blue Digital 2 days ago !!! Sore heavy boobs, cramps and peeing!!


AT0203  4 years ago
Just got BFP at 15 dpo. In shock but I juat knew.... very tired. Hungry. Thirsty, frequent urination. I also notice bumps on aerola.




Tasmin13  4 years ago
Frequent urination, fuller sensitive boobs, back ache, dizzy, twinges at 2 days late


AGamersWife  4 years ago
digital I think malfunctioned but still said bfp


AGamersWife  4 years ago
Dull pressure temp still high official day af was supposed to be


member_313250  4 years ago
Bfp, hcg 491, sensitive nipples, backache, some cramps, breasts feel heavy, creamy cm, fatigue.


MAYBEBABY456  4 years ago
I usually OD on CD14 so I think I’m due my period today rather than yesterday as suggested by my dashboard but nothing so far.


39andcounting  5 years ago
3 days late, no positive test yet. Cervix high, creamy cm. Not really having symptoms. Mild cramps off and on.


Porsche2Rad  5 years ago
15DPO. My period is late. Positive on a test. I would say my only symptoms this far is that I don't feel like I'm going to start my period.


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