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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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@luv: I am so sorry you are feeling down in the dumps :( At least you have your vacation coming up!!! That sounds like so much fun!! How much longer until you go?

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10 years ago

SMH thanks hun! Less than two weeks. Hope the time flies! How you feeling lately?? Rella's coming soon!

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: Yay! I am excited for your trip though its aways sad when you are gone. We miss you! I've been doing ok. Thanks for asking. Feeling and looking large. I had my maternity photos done on Sunday. Anxious to see if they turned out. Working from home has been a nice change. I met with my boss yesterday and he commented how good and rested I looked noting that I looked a lot better than I did when I was commuting everyday. I think he's trying to trick me into working longer. Lol. No new signs in terms of labor. I continue to lose my mucus plug which is a delight. I have an OB appointment tomorrow afternoon so we'll see if I am anymore dilated or effaced. As long as I stay sedentary I don't get many contractions so I'm thinking more and more that she'll come closer to her due date than I was thinking before. I am so excited for you this cycle. This is going to be 'the one'!!!

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10 years ago

I'm here!! How are y'all? We got enough snow and ice to NOT have to go to work today...WHOOOO HOOOO!!!

Luv, thanks as always for keeping this going! Hope you start to feel better soon :)

SMH, ohhhh no! I'm really hoping this is your last week!!

I'm feeling better, CD3 and she's slowing down. SA this Saturday...lucky him, lol! We are both home and he just made me lunch ;)

10 years ago

@JLHart: Enjoy your day off!! Woohoo for snow and ice!! Glad af is slowing on you :) Fx for an easy time with the SA on Saturday. I know my dh was very anxious about doing his.

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10 years ago

SMH- No I did not do the next beta, work has been so busy I have not had time, Still gotta do my early glucose too, will prob just wait till after my scan on the 20th when I know all is good. HA ha men are funny, but the military is too, with my daughter I worked up till delivery too and I am sure I will with this one too. I was so worried my water would break at the most inopportune time LOL

Luv- Thank you. Sorry you are feeling so meh....Where are you going on vacation??

Jada- Ya!!! A day off....I think this storm is going to miss us. If we get anything it will be ice, I am sure we will still have work wich is crazy but apparently we have some higher ups who do not realize just how dangerous it can be.

10 years ago

@afmedic: I can't believe you worked right up until delivery with your daughter with all the issues you were having! Wow!!! You are super woman! I probably could work right up until delivery because all I am doing is stilling on my every growing rear end doing computer work but I want a break. I can get paid 60% of my salary so I want to take advantage of that benefit. We'll see how it all shakes out. I really just want a break between work and when Rella comes. I also would like a chance to really get stuff in order and have some ME time. I can't remember the last time I had ME time and know once Rella comes I'll never have that opprotunity again. Darn girl! You are super busy!! I don't blame you for waiting to do the glucose test until after your scan but don't put yourself at risk while waiting until the 20th. I hope you don't get an ice storm. Those are the worst and make for a very dangerous commute!!

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10 years ago

SMH yay for maternity pics! How neat :) And I am glad nothing is progressing too fast here, you can take your time preparing. Hope you're right about this being my cycle ;) I definitely have waited long enough!

JLH glad you got a surprise day off! Yay! Glad AF is slowing down and you feel better too. Did you do anything neat today? Hope your DH isn't nervous about the SA, it's not a big deal! No pressure! :)

afmedic I cannot wait for your scan! How many weeks will that be again? I can't remember if it's 7 or 8. I leave on the 23rd for vacay. :)

AFM DH had to work over 12 hours today and still isn't home...poor guy. I am watching the Olympic skiing and this whole freestyle course is WEIRD for skis. Used to seeing snowboards on that.

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: You've not only waited long enough, you've waited tooooooooooooo long. Its your time. I can feel it! Sending tons good thoughts and lots of baby dust your way!

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10 years ago

Hey ladies! I'd like to send a small package of happiness to everybody. We cant all be cheery all the time! . Not much happening on my side...Will catch up soon.

10 years ago

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