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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022
Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!
412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
@Southernmama- I'm sorry I feel you.
AFM- I'm 13dpo my temp dropped dramatically this morning pretty sure AF is on her way. I did temp 2 hours before normal time but I don't think that would have made that much of a difference. I thought I saw a shadow line on my test yesterday. I guess that was just wishful thinking. This cycle was weird totally not the normal symptoms so I kinda got my hopes up.
3 years ago • Post starter
@Miam - Sorry to hear af seems to be on her way.
As for me, I'm cd 14 and got a + OPK today. Just like the last 3 previous cycles I got my first + OPK at cd 14. They have also gotten just a few days shorter. Last year they were between 30-32 days and now they're between 27-29 days. So even if we haven't gotten pregnant yet, I still feel positive about the fact it seems like my body's back to normal since stopping BC in august last year. So at least something's positive, even if it isn't a hpt.
3 years ago
@southernmama I'm sorry. Im in the same boat.
Pretty sure I'm going to start at any moment. Second day of low temps, and feeling yucky not to mention today is 14dpo. So not looking like a positive over here. However my sister-in-law will be here for Easter so atleast I can drink if I want to.
3 years ago • Post starter
I went for an appointment the other day. Cd 1 was yesterday. Nurse called in Appointment for clomid, but this new Dr. Will only give me 50 MG this time. Will go in CD 11 for follicle check. Will be doing an IUI this cycle. Hoping for a miracle and a BFP first try. It'll be a little spendy. We are self pay, and Out of pocket will be about $800 total. So we shall see how this cycle goes!
3 years ago
@millbarnett omg I'm sorry thats crazy. I really hope you get you BFP this time.
@southern mama. Girl I get it.
Well the witch got me. No suprise but still sucks!!. Ugh. Alright might be quite for a few weeks. I usually ovulate cd 18-21 so we will see.
Good luck everyone!!
3 years ago • Post starter
You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. My BBT confirmed my ovulation this morning with 3 days of risen temps. 3 DPO now and in TWW. We only got to dtd 2 days before ovulation and day of since I had a severe migraine in between. We had planned to get all 3 days in but that didn’t work out. Baby dust to everyone!
3 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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