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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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@hberry. Awe. I was really hoping this was the one. On to the next month and praying that you get your BFP..

AFM. The only thing I have been noticing is heartburn (throat) and heart palpatations. Cervix is high and soft (I think, lol) and have a bit of creamy cm. AF is supposedly due on either Aug 14 or 15 so hoping she doesn't showher ugly face.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly- I know. I'm beginning to wonder if kyleena didn't screw something up in my body. I mean it caused me to have cysts. It's got me wondering big time now. And I cant go to the dr because of only having state insurance since my husband was let go from his new job right off the bat.

3 years ago

Hberry: so sorry that AF got you after what sounded like such promising symptoms. I hope you get your May baby.

Dragonfly: thank you. I honestly don't mind if a boy or girl. The only problem with a boy is we cannot find any names we like!
You symptoms sound on track for now! Im holding hope for you that AF stays far away. Will you be testing beforehand or waiting it out?

Afm, I've finally been able to see a dr and have blood work done today. I won't get the results till next Thursday so another long wait but I only want to see a specific doctor. So far she's estimated id be 5 weeks today so just praying this one sticks and trying to keep myself from becoming too anxious.

3 years ago

@melarinn. I'm going to hold off if my period is late. Still having heart palpatations, and slight heartburn. I did notice that under my ribs, felt full. CM is now a sticky, cloudy and has some stretch to it. Cervix felt kind of soft but I don't check it all the time. Only time will tell.

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3 years ago

Today I am roughly 5dpo. This morning when I made my morning pee, it didn'thave that normal urine smell. It actually smelt different. Today I noticed some poking sensations on my right side, diarrhea, and more heart palpatations. My cm is a cloudy/creamy and stretches a bit; not tacky. I also noticed an empty feling in my stomach like I haven't eaten all day and my tummy was really sore. Even after Iate supper. Last night again, I had to fix a bottle for baby as he wouldn't settle for some reason. Wish this tww was over already. How is everyone else feeling?

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3 years ago

Hi there! Hope you don’t mind me dropping by! I’ve been TTC for 2 years and yesterday got my first BFP! This morning is beautiful and clear and I have sore boobs and am super duper hot! Due date on LMP is 14.04.22! We’ve had 2 losses in 2 years so just hoping this one is able to grow and develop
Sending lots of sticky vibes to all xx

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Married 2014 Expecting first baby 2015 Sending you and lots of User Image

3 years ago

@loulees. Congrats. That's a good solid line. Praying that this baby sticks.

AFM. Think I am 7dpo. I thought maybe I would temp but it won't be very accurate as I'm constantly waking up a lot during the night with baby. Yesterday, was a temp dip followed by a rise today. My day yesterday, I had some slight cramps and dull aches and some flutters. Still having heart palpatations and minor heartburn. Plus, my left hip and leg is sore (still is) but not sure if it is caused by doing some house work.This morning so far, have some mild cramping. AF is due next Saturday (14) or Sunday (15).

How is everyone else?

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3 years ago • Edited

Loulees: congratulations! Thats wonderful news!

Dragonfly: those symptoms sound promising dont you think. Its so hard not to symptom spot but those sound good to me. I really hope this is it for you.

3 years ago

@melerinn. It does sound promising but I won't believe it until I see two lines. Today is 8dpo and I had some dull cramps like AF is going to start, breast tenderness and my cm has turned watery and a bit creamy; just not enough. Still having the heart palpatations and heartburn. I stopped temping because it is nerve wracking. I'm doubtful because my last cycle came 4 days early. AF is due either Saturday or Sunday. I'm debating on testing early with my FRER. How are you feeling?

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3 years ago

Too good to be true. At 9dpo, I woke up to some bleeding. Not sure if it's implantation bleeding or period. Will see how the day progresses.

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3 years ago

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