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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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251 - 260 of 412 Replies | Last Page

Vintage: Hmmm....I usually take whatever my longest cycle length was and go a day after that. If at that point af hasn't shown, it's a late period. Maybe go that route? Then if nothing, get a test?

3 years ago

Vintage: I agree with Southern above. It all sounds pretty positive to me. Im really rooting for you!

I'm not tracking Temps or ovulation. My husband is very 'it will happen when it happens' and does not like to 'plan' these things...which right now has been frustrating, he has agreed we can try opks next cycle though. So writing off this cycle in my mind and just eagerly awaiting the next one.

3 years ago

Well, I took a test so i could stop thinking about it and it was negative. Still no AF and my temp is still going up, and I’m super tired. So I think I am just fighting off everyone’s cold. Weird for me to have a longer cycle, but maybe it’s still regulating itself.
Melerinn, I hope next month works for both of us! My partner is super chill about everything (happy to wait for things to just happen) and I’m worried about putting pressure on him by sharing all the data. I’m thinking of bringing it up though, when AF does start, just so he has a heads up. I’d love to end the summer and go into the fall with a little bean on the way…

3 years ago

Vintage: let's hold onto that hope for next month! I am so with you on not wanting to pressure your partner...exactly why I'm on here. Figured I could find people to talk and share the data and symptoms with and not have to feel like dumping it on my husband. Hes super excited about all this but I don't want him to see this crazy side of me haha, I can barely think of anything but a baby right now.
I hope your chat goes well if you do! A heads up would probably be good and helpful for you too I assume.

3 years ago

Hi ladies. Not sure when I ovulated, so I'm roughly 7-8dpo with AF being 5-6 days away. So, I am wishful thinking in a way but scared as I won't get any Insurance. Since ovulation, I developed a yeast infection and I have been experiencing creamy (lotion type)/milky watery cm. It's unusual as I don't get that much after ovulation or I dry up. Also having some lower back aches and my hips are sore and minor cramps. Yesterday, I got my second dose and I suffered chills, aches, and headaches. Now, I am not sure if that was from the vaccine or if implantation is soon to happen. I've also had two pregnancy dreams. 1. My aunt telling me that I didn't have any symptoms is because I'm having a girl and 2. My best friend had a baby girl but when he sent me pictures, there were two girls. So not sure what to think. Guess, I will have to see how next week goes.

Hope you all are doing well.

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3 years ago

Vintage: that creamy, white lotion colored but watery cm is what mine has been for weeks now. And ridiculous amounts of it too lol. I also didny dry up like normal the month of my own bfp so it could be something! The chills and aches and headache is most likely from your second dose unfortunately. That's part of the side effects of the vax.

3 years ago

@southern. Is your comment for me or for Vintage? I had the aches in my hips before my dose yesterday. A weird thing for me this morning is that my coffee withhazelnut cream tasted off. Also noticing some cramps in the middle under my belly button and sharp stabbing pains in my breasts plus pokes on the sides. What other symptoms did you get? Curiosity is getting the best of me and I want to test so bad. AF supposedly due next wednesday or thursday.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: my bad. I fixed it lol. It was meant to be for you! Let's see....symptoms. My boobs got sore right at 7 dpo when usually it wasn't happening til about 10-11 dpo and only for a day or two. And they have been so sore since. Cm never dried up. Stayed creamy/lotiony. About 11 dpo it shifted to the slippery cm I usually start getting 3 days before af so I thought I was gonna get a negative. Even my cervix was low and firm like I was gonna get af! Also my urine smelled like I had a UTI and when I went it even stung a little as I finished going just like a UTI. I almost went for antibiotics but it stopped. That's about it til I started getting morning sickness.

3 years ago

@southern. No worries. I noticed that when my daughter went pee and I was in the tub soaking from the vaccine that when she got up, I smelt it too. Not sure if that means anything as the potty was right there. It's hard to base these symptoms as pregnancy due to my shot yesterday. How are you feeling otherwise?

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3 years ago

Dragonfly: well, I had pretty bad nausea/morning sickness and got some zofran for it. Then Tuesday woke up with a cold. Thankfully my body had some mercy on me and the morning sickness subsided long enough for the worst of the cold. But now that it's passing the morning sickness is swiftly moving back in. So, basically, I'm kinda miserable lol. But at least the nausea and stuff is a sign of what's going on in there while I wait forever for the first ultrasound.

3 years ago

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