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TTC MAY/JUNE Babies 2022

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Looks like 200+ pages is the cut off for a discussion. Lmao!!

Praying for baby number 3!

412 Replies • 3 years ago • Edited



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Pandorica so we must be cycle buddies then.
I agree, getting to follow you pregnant ladies and hearing your journies and seeing how each is different is wonderful.
Punk, your beautiful. Can't wait to follow you on your journey!
Im 7dpo with constipation and having the worst time going.. Yay me.. Got another week before I can test and see if AF stays away

3 years ago

Hberry- I hope the chills and nausea are a good sign. I had both during my tww that lead to my current BFP.

Dragonfly - Oh I can totally see why. That makes alot of sense. I hope that the 3 bedroom house will be livable for you all soon. It must be a real test for you to wait. I'm still hoping this month is it for you though :)

Punk - Congratulations! Happy and healthy 9 months. Please keep us updated as you continue through the pregnancy. Its so nice to hear from those with their BFPs. Beautiful picture too by the way.

Southern- Look at that beautiful little baby there! Congrats. You must be so excited. Seeing your baby must have been such an amazing thing. I'm just so excited for you.

Miam - I don't mind at all. Its been so hopeful to me seeing so many BFP previously and here your journey. I can't wait to hear how you go with finding the gender.

Pandorica - Rooting for you this cycle. I wish you luck with finding a job too.

Afm just waiting it out until I can see my doctor this Thursday for bloods and to schedule an ultrasound for 8-9weeks. Nausea is still coming and going which is incredibly odd still as I should be only 4 or so weeks. I'm trying not to worry too much.

3 years ago

@southern - that clear blue digital picked mine up right away! And I'm sure you saw how faint the line was the day before my bfp. Doesn't hurt to try!

3 years ago

Melerinn: it was absolutely wonderful! I just love looking at my little peanut amazed.

Punk: I think you meant to respond to someone else? But, I did see your super faint cheap test. Those cheap ones are NOT sensitive at all. I think they take more hcg than even digitals. It's crazy. I'm so excited for you!

3 years ago

@melerinn. Thank you; much appreciated. Praying for a girl. I'm due to ovulate possibly tomorrow. Had a ton of ewcm and left ovary pain. I'm assuming that will be the side that I will ovulate on. Will see what the nasty tww brings. Was finally able to find Maca so, I will start taking it if AF shows.

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3 years ago

Merelinn- it was just the chills, I had a 2 day pounding headache that made me super sick. Whether those are positive signs is the unknown. Tonight I have had sharp stabbing pains in my lower ribs on top of me being constipated.. Usually by now I'm having the runs and I haven't had it. Ive also had a stuffy nose as well..

3 years ago

@hberry. Praying that this is it for you and you get your BFP. Are you testing early or waiting until you are late? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

AFM. Hubby and I DTD and not sure what to think on how the tww is going to go as he seems to know when my hot day is just by my temperature. Expected AF is August 15. Really going to try and not symptom spot and let nature run its course. I'm not tracking, temping or using any creams; as I'm one of those, "if it happens it will happen" and God will not give me more than what I can handle and whether or not it fits in His plans.

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3 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly, I'm waiting to see if AF shows or not. DH and are also if it happens, it happens. We're so frustrated with trying so much it was like a chore, so if I get a little miracle then it's meant to be.

3 years ago

Well, I finally got my IB today. Very light yellow/brown tinge when I wiped and my boobs are beginning to swell and I can almost feel them getting sore on the sides. The BF and I did a watch party on Hulu and watched 'Storks!' I cried a lot and I blame the hormones. It's hard when he's so far right now, but the plan is to hopefully buy a house by the end of the year and move in together. He and I both had premonitions of having a boy, but the predictor says girl.

I guess we'll see!

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3 years ago

@punk. How are you feeling today? Hope the IB stopped for you. Some Chinese predictor is based on a year ahead as they consider the birthday is based on your last period.

AFM. Not sure what day I ovulated on. Saturday I experienced a lot of ewcm. Sunday (exp. O) I noticed blood tinged cm and today, a bit more ewcm. Does anyone have any idea as I'm not temping.

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3 years ago • Edited

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