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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Rosie, Looks like we are tww buddies as I o-ed sometime between Sunday and Monday as well

girl, boy, boy

5 years ago • Edited

Hey ladies, I am 6 dpo and some weird pulling cramping and spotting when I wiped ..temp spiked yesterday too.

5 years ago

@crystal how confusing! Any chance you can get back in for another blood test today? It sure does seem like you’re still pregnant. Those are good lines on the Wondfos.

5 years ago

Crystal that’s a crazy positive line, maybe you had a early twin loss and your still carrying ? You definitely seem to be having a progression on these tests x

5 years ago

Anna first of I’m so happy for you, your numbers are great! As for the suppository, if I were you, I wouldn’t take it after what you read! I would talk to my doctor saying that if there is a chance for what it says I would feel more comfortable with something else... I mean WTF? Don’t even risk it girl, no way!

Shay so sorry that AF is coming! I hope you’ll be having a lucky cycle! I know how it feels but remember all the girls in here who were trying for so long and they finally did it!

Emma Good luck girl! I really hope this will be your month! You had such rough past cycles!

Sam i think I see something but I’m not sure! Hopefully AF stays away and you’ll be having a nice bfp in the next few days! Fingers crossed for you!!

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5 years ago

Ladies how do you get the readings on the opks? Is it an app?

I'm 8DPO and have been testing but white so far. Breasts definitely feel bigger and painful. I'm going to test tomorrow morning as it's Mothers day here in the UK. I'm not expecting to see anything but would be a lovely surprise! xx

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5 years ago

Good luck Scuba! Fingers crossed for an amazing mother’s day surprise

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5 years ago

Scuba I use Femometer app, I’m uk too x

5 years ago

First trimester sucks, after having 5 straight losses all i think about is ill have another so i pee on a stick every 5 hrs ..

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5 years ago

Mama and Emma I hope you both girls will catch that egg and maybe we see your bfps in a few days!!!!

Anna I wish I had a remedy to suggest so you could feel better but it’s all for a good reason! Hung in there girl! Your little miracle is on the way!!!!!!!!!

Scuba I hope Af stays away!!!!!

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5 years ago • Edited

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