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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Agatch This is some news no one can hear without feel an ache in their heart. I’m so sorry girl. sending you a big hug and all my wishes for strength to overcome this as easy as anyone could ever deal with something like that and hopefully in the near future you’ll be having a healthy pregnancy again if you’re willing to keep trying!

Mommy2B Good luck!!

Kait oh guuuurl! I’m having a de ja vu with your situation. I did my Hsg one year ago and it was soooo painful I thought something was wrong with me cuz doctor said before that it is ok and it hurts a bit like period pains. Yea right... I also had one blocked tube my left one and a t that moment DH was exactly the same like yours. Unfortunately it took me one year to convince him to go and to his SA but now I’m glad he did cuz we know where we are walking.. I hope you’ll convince him sooner!! I think is so selfish of them since we are the ones who had to open our legs to several ppl and go through painful procedures and the only thing they have to to is... you know lol anyway. Doctor at first said I could do a laparoscopic procedure to open the tubes but last week I asked him again and he said it’s not certain that even if we do the procedure it will work everything ok and we maybe cause more damage. One tube is just fine if my eggs and hubbys sperm is healthy which is what we are working on now! I really hope you’ll have a plan sooner than me!!!!

Anna I’m so happy to see you! I was starting to wonder if everything is ok with you!! So happy you’re doing ok except the nausea of course which I know it can be such a nightmare. I really hope it will go away soon and you’ll be enjoying your little bean growing in your stomach!!

Lalou Good luck girl! Be strong. You can do this! Is just for a while and then you’ll be celebrating! Hang in there!!

AFM 13dpo and AF is due tomorrow. I have severe pms cramps and my boobs hurt so much. I’m not expecting anything else but AF at this point as much as I want to keep my hopes up, I don’t see it being my month again... Temps are still high but it’s nothing new... oh well... let’s see what those hubbys supplements will do...

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5 years ago • Edited

Fingers crossed for you Alex! It ain't over till its over!

5 years ago

Thank you so much Jessica! A good surprise is always welcome but I’m ok either way. I’m used to it.. I’ll be upset for a while and off to trying again!!!

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5 years ago

@agatch - So truly sorry to hear about your loss.

5 years ago

@Thank you Alex. I am also keeping hope with you. Hello @Jessica. On to the next board the Witch is here.

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, so I think I'm 9DPO. My breasts are killing me (can't move in bed they are so painful) and I just really thought I might be pregnant. So stupid me I did an FRER and got a stark white test. I just feel gutted again. xx

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5 years ago

Scuba it’s still early!! You may be pleasantly surprised in the next few days btw Anna made us a new board if you wanna join!

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5 years ago

Um so something just told me to take a hpt today. Figured it would be a stark white negative. But now I am not so sure.....not sure how it is possible since my temps are low. What do you think? In the regular picture you can’t see much but with the saturation tool I see a line?

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5 years ago

@Shay--I think I see something. Did you test again today?

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5 years ago

Hi ladies !! Just an update from me... So I'm 9 weeks whoo I have my downs screening on the 16th and blood tests and so on... Morning sickness is still getting me down but it's better some days now... Toothache is back again so I might have it checked out on the 16th when I head to the doctor anyways... Hoping you're all doing good !!

5 years ago • Post starter

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