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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi ladies! I’m late joining the thread but I’ve been trying to conceive with my husband for awhile now. I had a laparoscopy done to diagnose and treat Endometriosis, HSG, and hysteroscopy on Feb 19th so almost exactly 2 months since surgery. This was the first month since that we’ve really tried to get pregnant again.

So far symptoms by DPO: (sorry, TMI)

6 DPO - hot flashes, nausea
7 DPO - nothing
8 DPO - diarrhea
9 DPO - cramps, increased sense of smell
10 DPO - cramps
11 DPO - diarrhea
12 DPO - diarrhea, nausea, cramps
13 DPO - diarrhea, backache, cramps, strange taste in mouth + mouth feels burnt but haven’t had anything that would cause it

This is the first cycle I’ve ever had this much problems with my bowels. My period was actually due today and so far nothing so I’ll be testing first thing in the morning.

5 years ago

These internet tests are hard on the eyes!

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5 years ago

Sorry to double post but I just took a Wal-Mart one. What do you think?

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5 years ago

Updating from earlier

Bought a test on my lunch (the store only had blue dyes) I had to use the restroom after getting back to work so this was on a 3 hour hold.

I’m retesting in the morning with a pink dye!

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5 years ago • Edited

Mama I have my fingers crossed for you your chart looks so promising

Shay Thanks for your input and yes you’re right about Anna it was such a wonderful surprise but we didn’t do anything different this month that’s why I don’t have big hopes! Anyways I’ll wait and pray that I’m wrong!! I hope you’ll O soon and I definitely hope you’ll catch that egg!!!!!

Emma if let’s say this temp drop was an implantation dip then you should have a line after 4-5 days in my opinion! Keep us posted!

Pandorica I can see the line! I’m sending all my prayers to see a darker one in your next test!!! You deserve it so much!

Jessica I cannot se anything on the IC but I can see a faint line on the Walmart one!!!

Nasamama I can see a line not this test but I would suggest to buy a pink dye one since blue dye tests are notorious for faulty results. I really hope this is not the case for you so we can all congratulate you in few hours!!!!!

AFM 5dpo here and nothing really strange. Just my normal cycle and I’m really convinced I’m out but I decided to wait till my period comes to get the supplements for hubby, first of cuz atm we have other expenses which need to be covered lol and secondly because I still believe in miracles!!! Whatever happens I’m very happy that I finally have answers and from now on I won’t be in the dark not knowing what’s wrong!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me girls!!!

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5 years ago • Edited

Thanks Alex, temp still up quite a bit and negative again this morning so will wait a few more days x

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5 years ago

Emma how long is your LP usually? When do you expect AF?

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5 years ago

Alex I’m irregular, anything from 14 days to 50 days x

5 years ago

Oh Geez!!! I forgot about that.. sorry you’ve said it before!! I cannot imagine the stress. I know that I’m dying every cycle and I have pretty regular cycle. Sending all my positive energy to be as calm as you can be and to have a dark line tomorrow!!!

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5 years ago

Thanks Alex, we had some bad news yesterday so I really need to know soon because he have things to get done now, I’m sure I’ll know either way soon enough x

5 years ago

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