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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Morning everyone!!

Just an update... The stuff my OB prescribed for the nausea has ups and downs I feel fine one moment then I wanna throw up and then I'm okay again. My stomach also hasnt been in the best shape lately which is fun... I wanna throw up every time I speak for a while it's as if my throat dries out and I start gagging lol... Hungry is weird though because I get hungry but dont have the need to eat... Only symptoms right there I have nothing else..

@Alex @agatch my insurance doesnt cover anything baby related (ultrasounds etc) before 10 weeks

5 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! Can I join you? This is our first month trying after we lost twins last year, fingers crossed!

How is everyone doing?

5 years ago

Emma Thank you and I believe having your tests coming late is the best thing to keep your self out of obsessing over shadows and lines. I think you will have a bfp this month!

Mama girl!! You’re pregnant I think is time to get a blood test!!

Agatch Thank you so much! Happy to see you around I’m also very optimistic now that I know that we will have answers.
So happy that you’re doing well on your pregnancy! Do you have any preference on the gender?

Hi Tree! Welcome I hope you’ll not be around for long and that you’ll get your bfp this very cycle

Lalou hi!!! Yes I’m very excited! I’ll probably have the results this afternoon or Monday. Hoping for the first!
Hopefully your last day will pass quickly so you can get back on track!!

Kait Yes! I really hope if it’s something wrong with his S at least to be something manageable.
I’m so very sorry to read that you’re feeling this way even though I feel very often as you described but without ever having a bfp. I can totally hear what you’re saying about wanting your kids to meet some people that unfortunately passed away.. It’s something that will constantly will visit my thoughts since I lost my dad 2 yrs ago and he wanted a grandchild so much. But you know what? We cannot bring people back but we can bring a new life in the world knowing that certain people would be so proud of us and we must keep going and doing the things we know they would be proud of. I’m never losing hope even though I feel like so. Kait... it will happen! If we want something, all of our actions will make it happen! Keep your faith girl!!

Anna! Same question as I asked Agatch.. Do you have any preference on the gender? I know it’s too soon but it’s always so interesting to me.

Kitty Hi and welcome!! I’m so sorry for your loss and I really hope you will have a healthy pregnancy very very soon

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5 years ago

Alex I don’t know. My tests aren’t very dark. I’m still a week away from my AF according to all my apps so I going to keep testing and see what happens. But thanks for seeing it. I feel like I’m going crazy!

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5 years ago

Mama I would feel the same too! I just believe that your O prediction is not so accurate because you had so many days of dark lines! Hang in there girl! Hopefully you’ll have some very dark undeniable lines soon

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5 years ago

Hey everyone. I’m new here, I have just this month started ttc. I have been using glow app to track ovulation and symptoms, I did the deed over all fertile days and and now 6dpo today. I have had dull cramps and backache on and off since 4dpo and find that these symptoms are there when my body is at rest I also had creamy cm today, tell me what you ladies think.I have invested in a clear blue connect in case it doesn’t Happen this month. ????????AF doesn’t come. Is there anyone else with similar symptoms or same dpo as me. ?????????????? baby dust to you all.

5 years ago

@Leococo31 - Welcome! I think we are cycle buddies, 'cause I'm roughly 6 dpo too.

5 years ago

Thanks Alex! I agree with you 100%

5 years ago

Welcome to all the newbies,
Congrats to all the BFP. @Anna hang in there. Only few more weeks and 2Nd trimester will be easier. You are doing great mama. @Agatch you too dear. So many people here. Full of positive energies.

AFM my day was somewhat smooth. Full of emotions but I did it guys. Done with my student teaching. Continuing with my online classes and hoping to pass my exams. My goal for the next weeks are to take care of DH. He was so supportive for the past 3 months and tonight we have a ramen date night (authentic ramen restaurant). Our next plan is to get on to bd and just have sex bc we barely did it for the padt 3 months. Today i did noticed a lot of yellow cm. That has never happened to me before. Has it happened to any of y all? I am glad to be fully back with y all now. I have missed you guys.

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5 years ago

I am so happy for everyone!!! It is so great to see all these positives and little beans!!!

AFM: I need a little help deciding what to do about my chart. I have been struggling with allergies and it has thrown off my temps like crazy. I am just now dealing with some cramping and sharper pains like I normally get at O but I am so confused by my chart!! I have a picture of my chart saying I am 4dpo and another saying I haven’t O’ed yet if I take out the crazy temps that I think are from allergies. I just don’t know what one to believe!! Top is without crazy temps and bottom is leaving them in.

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5 years ago

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